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Jane Hung and Annie Hall Computers 8

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1 Jane Hung and Annie Hall Computers 8
Nutrition Jane Hung and Annie Hall Computers 8

2 Vitamins Meaning: important in muscle and nerve maintenance
improves circulation dissolves blot clots General facts and information: Needs to work properly, so you grow and develop You can DIE without it Makes our body work properly The two main types are: Fat soluble vitamin: Vitamins A, D, E, K Water soluble vitamin: Vitamins B and C

3 Fat soluble vitamins: Vitamin A: Functions: Improves your eyesight Foods: Eggs , dairy products ,fruit, vegetables Vitamin D: Functions: strengthening your bones and teeth Foods: dairy products, meat and alternatives, vegetables Vitamin E: Functions: takes care of your lungs also aids information of red blood cells Foods: whole grains, leafy green vegetables, poultry, meats and alternatives, Vegetable oils Vitamin K: Functions: maintenance of normal levels of the blood clotting proteins Foods: leafy green vegetables, dairy products, poultry

4 Water soluble vitamins:
Vitamin B: Functions: Helps your body make protein and energy Foods: Whole grains, seafood, leafy green vegetables, dairy products, and meats and alternatives Vitamin C: Functions: It helps in strengthening your gums and muscles Foods: citrus fruits, fruits, and vegetables

5 Minerals General facts and information: Makes our body works properly
Minerals can be classified according to the amount your body needs: major minerals : need more than 100mg of a day minor minerals (trace elements): need less than 100mg of a day. Examples: Iron, calcium, sodium, copper, etc. Two main types: Macro (larger amount) : Calcium and sodium Trace (smaller amount) : Iron and copper

6 Macro Calcium Functions: Builds bones and teeth Foods: Dairy products
Sodium Functions: help maintain blood pressure Foods: table salt, baking soda, seasonings, meat and alternatives, poultry, dairy products, and pickled foods

7 Trace Iron Functions: Transport and storage of oxygen.
Foods: beef liver, vegetables, red ,meat, and poultry Copper Functions: maintenance of blood vessels. Foods: seafood, nuts, legumes, green leafy vegetables

8 Water Functions: give nutrients to cells
Foods: vegetables, fruit, green vegetables, and “dry” foods (ex. Grain or mango) Facts: lose about 250 milliliters of water every day Doctors recommend drinking at least eight glasses every day Not enough water= dehydrated Dehydrated= headaches, fatigue (weariness)and lack of concentration z

9 Carbohydrates Provides energy Two types: Simple & Complex
SIMPLE CARBS: refined white sugars Broken down quickly Very little minerals Examples are table sugar, fruit, honey, candy etc.

10 Carbohydrates (cont.) COMPLEX CARBS: Starches Break down slowly
Packed with vitamins Examples are pasta, bread, oatmeal, vegetables

11 Fats Provides energy Develops brain and nervous system
Three types: unsaturated, saturated, and trans fats UNSATURATED: Good for heart health Found in oils, plant foods and fish etc.

12 Fats (cont.) Increases risk of heart disease Raises cholesterol
Found in meat and dairy products TRANS FAT: Raise cholesterol Increases heart disease Found in baked goods/fried foods

13 Protein Repairs organs and muscles Broken down into amino acids
Makes haemoglobin (oxygen in blood) Repairs body tissue Fights diseases Two types: Complete and Incomplete

14 Protein (cont.) COMPLETE: Contains essential amino acids
Dairy products, eggs, fish, meat etc. INCOMPLETE: Contain little or no amino acids Seeds, nuts, beans, oats, peas etc.

15 Fibre SOLUBLE: Can dissolve in water Controls weight
Reduces cholesterol INSOLUBLE: Cannot dissolve in water Reduces colon cancer Prevents constipation

16 Bibliography

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