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The Local Control Funding Formula & Local Control Accountability Plan

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1 The Local Control Funding Formula & Local Control Accountability Plan
Board Workshop 2/3/14

2 What is the Local Control Funding Formula?
California dramatically reformed its school reform process in July, The new law, known as the Local Control Funding Formula or LCFF, replaces our previous funding system.

3 Basic Points of the LCFF
It became law in July, 2013 A majority of the funding districts receive is distributed through the LCFF It represents a great investment in Education by the State $2 billion for implementation during the first year alone Implementation will take 8 years, with projected completion during the school year Each district will receive at least the same funding received during the school year once implementation is complete No district will receive less than the amount received during the school year

4 Example of Per Pupil Funding for a California High-Needs District
Concentration Grant Supplemental Grant Base Grant State categorical and other funding Revenue Limit Note: These figures show funding levels upon completion of the implementation period

5 What is Local Control Accountability Plan?
A robust accountability process which is necessary to ensure that program funding improves student achievement Each district must develop a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) before July 1, The plan connects district goals and actions to funding received from the LCFF County Offices of Education (COE) and the Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) will supervise district performance to determine necessary levels of support or intervention

6 Local Control Accountability Plans: What should they include?
EACH DISTRICT AND SCHOOL MUST HAVE: FOR EACH SUB-GROUP OF STUDENTS: 8 PRIORITY AREAS Basic Services CCSS Implementation Parental Involvement Student Achievement Student Engagement School Climate Course Access Other Student Outcomes Race and Ethnicity Low Income Students English Learners Students with Disabilities Foster Care Students Goals Actions Specific Budget


8 Stakeholder Input Sessions Conducted by Superintendent
LCFF LCAP Plan Adoption Process (LCAP Process) State Priorities and Plan Elements (8) Student Achievement Student Engagement Other Student Outcomes School Climate Parent Involvement Implementation of Academic Standards, including focus on English Learners Course Access Basic Services, including facilities, qualified teachers, and instructional materials

9 Stakeholder Input Sessions Conducted by Superintendent
Board Goals Instructional Design Data Review Context for Input What services do you believe will make a positive impact on the learning achievement of our students of poverty, English Language Learners, foster youth? What is the most effective way to support the students with the resources available? What is the impact for the student?

10 Stakeholder Input Sessions Conducted by Superintendent
Input Activity Eight Priority Areas written on posters and posted around room Write input on post-it notes Place post-it notes on the poster that best fits ideas These post-its will be used in the development of the LCAP

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