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Islam Chapter 10.

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1 Islam Chapter 10


3 Muhammad- about 570 a.d. Meditated in a cave Angel Gabrielle appears
Asks Muhammad to become a messenger of God

4 Allah Arabic for God

5 Hijra/Hegira Mecca threatens to kill Muhammad Muhammad flees to Medina
This is the first year of the Islamic calendar 622 A.D.

6 Medina Muhammad converts many people to his new religion
Builds an army and defeats Mecca (Controversial)

7 Five Pillars of Islam Basic beliefs of the Islamic religion

8 Five Pillars of Islam Belief in one god Monotheism
Declaration of faith

9 Five Pillars of Islam 2. Daily prayer
- in a mosque – Islamic holy place of worship - five times a day - must face Mecca

10 Five Pillars of Islam 3. Charity to the poor

11 Five Pillars of Islam 4. Must visit Mecca once in your lifetime
- known as the Hajj - the Kaaba Read A “Pilgrimage to Mecca” Make a list of the rituals/traditions on the hajj-

12 Five Pillars of Islam 5. Fast during Ramadan
- no food from sunrise to sunset

13 Hierarchy Islam has no hierarchy All believers are considered equal

14 Do-now: List the 5 pillars of Islam

15 Know your Holy Books! Christianity- Judaism- Buddhism- Islam?

16 Koran / Quran Holy book for the Muslims

17 Sharia Body of law based on the Koran

18 Jihad Struggle in God’s service
Could range from facing immorality within themselves to fighting in holy war.

19 Women Women are considered spiritually equal to men
They win more rights in Arab society under Muslim rule


21 Islam spreads Middle East Northern Spain Into Spain *Battle of Tours
Into Byzantine lands *Crusades

22 Islam Spreads…why? Have Camel cavalry Common faith unites tribes
Equality (which social class does this appeal to?)

23 Non-Muslims in Muslim Empire
Allow other religions to continue to practice in Muslim controlled lands What’s this called? They have to pay an extra non-Muslim tax

24 Which aspects of Islam would have appealed to the poor, enslaved, and isolated- many of the first Muslim converts? Explain.

25 The split Muslims disagree on who would be the Caliph
Sunni – believe the Caliph should be elected 90% of Muslims today are Sunni Shiite – believe the Caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad

26 Caliph The successor to Muhammad

27 Sufi- Whirling Dervishes

28 Baghdad Becomes the capital city of the Muslim Empire

29 Mosques Minarets – slender towers used to call Muslims to prayer
Muezzin Leader of prayers at mosque

30 Mosques No icons allowed in the mosque Decorated with
Arabesque – intricate design of curved lines Calligraphy – fancy handwriting SOUTHPARK

31 START UP How would you define a golden age?
What are some of the characteristics of a golden age?

32 Muslim Golden Age Massive trade occurs across the Muslim Empire

33 Muslim Golden Age Pioneer algebra

34 Muslim Golden Age Astronomy Calculated the circumference of the earth
Translate writings of Greek philosophers

35 Muslim Golden Age Medicine Built hospitals Learn to treat cataracts
Pharmacists Mix sweet syrups and gums in medicine Canon of medicine Encyclopedia on medicine

36 Muslim Golden Age Literature &Tales Aladdin and his magic lamp
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

37 Muslim Golden Age All boys and girls receive an elementary education
Must be able to read the Koran

38 Muslim Golden Age ART Use beautiful writing and patterns to decorate buildings and art Adapt Byzantine domes and arches Paint people and animals in nonreligious art

39 Crusades European Christians fight Muslims for control of Jerusalem and other lands

40 Spread of ideas Warfare! Crusades & Battle of Tours
Muslim ideas spread into Christian lands

41 TEST: CHAPTER 10 Monday BIG test!


43 Section 4: Muslims in India Muslim Turks take northern India
Muslims are led by Tamerlane MAIN IDEA- CULTURAL DIFFUSION! There’s a shocker!

44 Muslim Turks invade northern India
The Indians are divided Why would some Indian people like Islam? Who? Low caste Indians like Muslim ideas of equality

45 Muslims in India The Gupta Empire falls
India is broken up into local kingdoms

46 Sultan A Muslim ruler

47 Muslim rule The Muslims destroy Hindu and Buddhist temples
They impose the non-Muslim tax

48 Mongols -Will battle the Muslims in the East
-They take Baghdad and loot it -Eventually convert to Islam What religion were the Mongols before they converted?

49 Empire crumbles The Muslim Empire slowly crumbles after the fall of Baghdad The Empire breaks up into a number of Muslim controlled lands with a Sultan

50 Babur Takes over the rest of India
Begins the Mongol dynasty over all of India: Called the Mughal dynasty Mughal Mughal is Persian for Mongol

51 Akbar the Great Babur’s grandson Created a strong central government
Ended the non-Muslim tax Strengthened the Empire

52 Shah Jahan Akbar’s grandson
Builds a tomb for his wife called the Taj Mahal Planned to build another for himself but his son overthrew him and put him in prison until he died

53 DIVERSITY in INDIA “India has not ever been an easy country to understand” -India Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, 1970’s

54 SIKHISM Cultural Diffusion???

55 “The Age of Gunpowder Empires” 1450-1650 Mughal Empire in India Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire


57 The Ottoman Empire Begun by the Turks

58 Ottoman Expansion Takes over Constantinople in 1453 Led by Muhammad II
Renames it Istanbul Becomes the capital of the Ottoman Empire

59 Ottoman Golden Age Ruled over by Suleiman the Magnificent
Strengthened government Improved the system of law Based on the Sharia

60 Ottoman Social Structure
Men of the Sword (warriors) Men of the Pen (scholars) Men of Negotiation (merchants) Men of Husbandry (farmers and artisans)

61 Christians in the Ottoman Empire
Christians were forced to hand over their youngest sons The sons were sent to military school Converted to Islam Became the Janizaries – elite warriors

62 European domination By the 1700s Europe was advancing in military, economy and conquest The Ottoman Empire lagged behind and would eventually fall to the Allies during WWI

63 What is the message of this editorial cartoon?

64 Writing Assignment Imagine that Islamic influence had spread further into Western Europe. Write one paragraph predicting how the world might be different. Be sure to include the following: Effects on Western Europe Effects on America *leave emotions out of writing, write “predicted facts”

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