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Technical assistance strategies to improve expenditure estimates and price deflators Joseph Mariasingham Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical assistance strategies to improve expenditure estimates and price deflators Joseph Mariasingham Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical assistance strategies to improve expenditure estimates and price deflators
Joseph Mariasingham Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department Asian Development Bank

2 Contents Principal Components Necessary for the Estimation
Item Definition and Prices Collection Definition and Estimation of Expenditure Targeting Areas for Improvement: Governance Targeting Areas for Improvement: Methods and Tools Targeting Areas for Improvement: Statistical Infrastructure Targeting Areas for Improvement: Data Globalization and ICP The Baseline Strategy The Integrated Advocacy Strategy Summary: Towards ICP 2016 with a new Approach Questions and Comments

3 1. Principal Components Necessary for the Estimation
Methodology Tools Expenditures Prices Technical capacity Financial capacity Institutional capacity Governmental support for the project Governmental acceptance of the results ICP Control Govt. control

4 2. Item Definition and Price Collection
Representativity Comparability Confirmation bias Overlap with CPI Price Collection Collection mechanism Sampling issues Statistical biases Validation issues Quality Control Mechanism for ensuring data quality Comparability of data quality Treatment of data of different quality within the framework

5 3. Definition and Estimation of Expenditures
Category Definition Criteria for defining a category Situating the category within the realm of an economy Do the categories span the economy Tradeoff between representativity and comparability Bias due to categorization Estimation Process Sources and methods Errors, omissions and gaps Coherence analysis and auditing Issues due to modeled estimates Quality Control Mechanism for ensuring data quality Comparability of data quality Treatment of data of different quality within the framework

6 4. Target Area for Improvement: Governance
Process Control Clear definition of the administrative roles and responsibilities of the WB ICP team, RC and NIAs Modalities for administrative control and coordination Establishing global, regional and country implementation plans Synchronizing global, regional and country implementation plans Tracking the progress and taking corrective actions Greater role for NIAs at the global and regional governance level

7 4. Target Area for Improvement: Governance
Quality Control Establish a quality assurance framework Monitor the compliance with the framework systematically at the global, regional and country levels Primarily ensuring quality at the country level Primary responsibility should rest with the NIAs Roles, responsibilities and engagement of the experts need to be defined clearly; their role is supportive not supervisory

8 4. Target Area for Improvement: Governance
Resource Control Resources are to be used efficiently and effectively Workshops, consultants and travel consume most of the budget Most of the resources should directed and targeted towards high quality data development at the country level ICT as the primary means for meetings, instead of physical travel

9 5. Target Area for Improvement: Methods and Tools
Concepts, Methods, Methodologies and Techniques Comprehensive and timely review Test of accuracy and relevance Test of universal applicability Software and IT Estimation and Assessment Tools Tool diagnostic test and complete review of the codes No black boxes When a serious question is raised about data quality everything that contributed to the production of the data is subject to review

10 6. Target Area for Improvement: Statistical Infrastructure
Importance of an effective statistical system Characteristics of an effective statistical system Data quality is directly proportional to the strength of the system Statistics derived from primary data versus modeled estimates

11 6. Target Area for Improvement: Statistical Infrastructure
Identifying critical gaps in a statistical system Bridging the gaps through targeted assistance Enabling the system to sustain capacity and evolve through advocacy An effective system is the only long term and sustainable solution Global convergence in effectiveness assist in nationally institutionalizing ICP A global strategy with the national institutions as major stakeholders

12 6. Target Area for Improvement: Statistical Infrastructure
Step One: institutionalization of ICP by the sponsoring multilaterals Step Two: Established funding mechanisms and annual budgets Step Three: Country specific engagement Step Four: Institutionalizing at the national level Step Five: Targeted assistance with clear timelines and expiry dates

13 7. Target Area for Improvement: Data
Prices Accuracy and relevance of the data collected Representativeness of the statistics Expenditures Coherence of the estimates

14 7. Target Area for Improvement: Data
Supply and Use Tables Framework for studying expenditures and prices Tables in current prices Tables in constant prices Feedback mechanism to the statistical system Key economic indicators Tangible and clear outcomes for advocacy purposes An effective strategy adopted by ADB to improve economic statistics

15 7. Target Area for Improvement: Data
International Supply and Use Tables Uniformity in standards across the globe A more rigorous framework for coherence analysis

16 8. Globalization and ICP The role of ICP in a globalized economic environment Research on globalization and ICP products and by products Collaboration between researchers on globalization and PPPs PPPs as indicators of globalization Time-series of PPPs The necessity for an effective statistical system

17 9. The Baseline Strategy PPPs as the by-products of an effective statistical system Quality estimates through rigorous coherence analysis Strategic technical assistance for sustainable capacity Integrate the ICP processes into the assembly line of the NSOs ICP as an internationally and nationally institutionalized program Efficiency and effectiveness at all administrative levels Judicious use of resources Accountability mechanism Engage policy makers Demonstrate the utility of ICP products Promote the use of ICP products Adopt a business like (not academic like) approach to the program

18 10. Integrated Advocacy Strategy
The country is the most important stakeholder and client Strategies and plans should be country-centric Interest in the ICP evolves from the broader realization of criticality of good statistics Engage decision makers and policy makers Engage NSOs at the managerial level Engage the NSOs at the technical staff level Connect potential users with the NSOs Make ICP more than just about PPPs Gradually transfer of responsibilities, controls and ownership to the NSOs The longer and the more the core responsibilities and controls are with the multilaterals the more the program will be seen as intermittent: from one cycle to another

19 11. Summary: Towards ICP 2016 with a new Approach
One-team approach at the global level Formal agreement between international organizations to share knowledge, products and credits Effective and efficient governance and administration at all levels Greater engagement of the NSOs, policy makers and decision makers Technical assistance to construct Supply and Use Tables Technical assistance to integrate ICP price collection into the regular business of the NSOs ICT for ICP Institutionalization of ICP at the national and international levels

20 12. Questions and Comments
ICP Team at ADB Rana Hasan Director Development Economics and Indicators Division Tel: +(632) Joseph Mariasingham Statistician and Project Officer Development Economics and Indicator Division Tel: +(632) Eileen Capilit Economics and Statistics Officer Tel: +(632)

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