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Antiaging and Prevention of Aging Associated Diseases

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1 Antiaging and Prevention of Aging Associated Diseases
Associating Geroprotectors Antiaging and Prevention of Aging Associated Diseases Prof. Dr. E. Lasalvia-Prisco, C. Dau, P. Goldschmidt, F. Galmarini Telemedical Organization, Montevideo, Uruguay

2 Background Methodology
Two drugs used in Medicine for many years are suspected to be geroprotectors, according to experimental research. Some clinical observations are compatible with extension of such geroprotective condition to humans. Background Methodology Two drugs used in Medicine for many years are suspected to be geroprotectors, according to experimental research. Some clinical observations are compatible with extension of such geroprotective condition to humans In this study, we reviewed the clinical records of 120 women 60/65 years old, who have consulted during 5 years. Forty, were under regular check-ups, with no other treatment; 40 received Metformin to treat their diabetes type 2 condition; and 40 received Metformin because they have also diabetes type 2 and Acetylsalicylic acid for cardiovascular preventive indication. We reviewed the metabolic targets of these drugs to support their activity in prevention of aging associated diseases (see next slide), and also we have compared the variation of two parameters in blood chemistry that have been reported as markers of such activity. The mortality in the 3 groups in the observed 5 years was registered. 9 10


4 120 people treated 5 years with low dose of metformin, acetylsalicylic acid or with both, have shown significant decrease of increment of glycosylated hemoglobin and ferritin observed in non-treated population. Mortality during the same 5 years was lesser in the treated groups. Results NT M MAA 12.4 5.2 4.0 Ferritin 5 years of increase (ng/ml ) 400.8 305.2 288.6 Glycosylated Hemoglobin 5 years of increase (mg/dL) 5 years Mortality 24 15 11 NT: Non treated M: Metformin MAA: Metformin + Acetylsalicylic Acid

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