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Road to the American Revolution

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1 Road to the American Revolution



4 French and Indian War Great Britain and the Colonists VS. French and Indians They fought for control of of Northwest Territory G.B. won and took control of North America from Mississippi River to Atlantic Ocean

5 French and Indian War War caused a split between colonists and Great Britain Colonists no longer saw themselves as British citizens War created a large debt in G.B.

6 Proclamation of 1763

7 Proclamation of 1763 G.B. wanted to tighten control of colonists
Banned all settlements west of Appalachian Mountains Too expensive to protect colonists from Native Americans


9 Stamp Act G.B. wanted to raise money to pay for debt
Taxed all legal documents, newspapers, and other printed material “NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” became colonists battlecry

10 Stamp Act Colonists boycotted tax and G.B. repealed it

11 Boston Massacre

12 Boston Massacre (1770) Colonists were protesting taxes at a British tax House British soldiers fired into crowd killing 5 protesters Crispus Attucks, blk man FIRST PERSON TO DIE IN REVOLUTION

13 Boston Tea Party

14 Boston Tea Party (17 Colonists threw tea into Boston Harbor to protest tax on Non-British Tea British King George III shut down Mass Gov’t and put British Soldiers in control

15 Intolerable Acts King George’s response to Boston Tea Party
Eliminated the powers of most colonial governments Only local gov’t loyal to King were allowed to remain in power

16 First Continental Congress (1775)
Representatives from 12 colonies met in Philadelphia to protest Intolerable Acts (Georgia Excluded) Formally Requested an end to Intolerable Acts Started a boycott of all British goods

17 First Continental Congress
Called for formation of colonial militias Planned to meet in one year to assess goals

18 Second Continental Congress (1776)
2nd meeting in Philadelphia among 12 colonies Colonists realized King George would not meet their demands Decided to go to war for Independence Hired Thomas Jefferson to write Declaration of Independence

19 Declaration of Independence
1st Part – Definition of gov’t: based on social contract and natural rights of John Locke TJ natural rights were life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness

20 Declaration of Independence
2nd Part – List of crimes commited by King George on colonists 3rd Part – Statement of Independence

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