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GLAST Large Area Telescope

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Presentation on theme: "GLAST Large Area Telescope"— Presentation transcript:

1 GLAST Large Area Telescope
Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Large Area Telescope LAT Level Verification LAT Level Requirement Review Kickoff Rich Baun Systems Engineering

2 Agenda Requirement and verification flowdown overview
Test Case review process overview Requirements responsibilities Test case review Test & Verification Website

3 Requirement & Verification Flowdown

4 Test Case/Reqt Buy-Off Overview

5 Requirement Owner Responsibilities
Know which requirements you are responsible to buy-off Know where and how your requirements are sold Determine your requirement type Functional – Function not impacted by environments, i.e. Commanding Environmental – Specific to an environment, usually requires analysis of environmental test data (Thermal, Dynamics, EMI) Performance – Requires trending, not sold until after TV Determine what sells your requirement Successful completion of a test? Data collected and checked by a test? Post test analysis of test data? Analysis only? There are test reports, test logs, configuration files, digi files (if applicable), and recon files (if applicable) available for review The VCRM identifies what tests sell what reqts Test case outlines show where and how each test sells reqts Write an NCR if you find an anomaly Provide objective evidence that a requirement is sold You must certify the LAT complies to the requirement Is analysis and a formal report required to document compliance?

6 How to Report a Requirement sell-off
Report the requirement sell-off to Systems For reqts not needing a formal report (most requirements) Send an with the following information Requirement number (REQID) or Verification Plan number (VERID) Date, time, and run number when supporting test case(s) were run If data was collected from multiple runs, each run must be noted Worse case test data that supports the reqt was sold (if applicable) Compliance statement, i.e. the report must state definitively the LAT complies with the requirement Margin to the requirement must be stated where appropriate Any NCRs or JIRAs associated with the requirement must be listed For requirements needing a formal report Write a Requirements Verification Report (RVR) See next slide for details You will be notified if a requirement needs an RVR

7 Requirements Verification Reports
For an agreed to subset of LAT requirements only, not all reqts Must have an assigned LAT Docs number Minimum RVR contents Requirement owner’s name Requirement source, text, and number Verification Plan text and number Supporting test case name and number (if applicable) Script name(s) used to run test Date, time, and run number when supporting test case(s) were run If data was collected from multiple runs, each run must be noted Compliance statement, i.e. the report must state definitively the LAT complies with the requirement Margin to the requirement must be stated where appropriate Supporting documentation of test data, analysis, and results Deviations from the verification plan and the reasons for the deviations must be stated Any NCRs or JIRAs associated with the requirement must be listed

8 VCRM Example

9 Test Case to Requirement Owner (1/2)

10 Test Case to Requirement Owner (2/2)

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