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Project #5: Generating Privacy and Security Threat Summary for Internet of Things REU Student: Ray Yan Graduate mentors: Logan Lebanoff Faculty Mentor(s):

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Presentation on theme: "Project #5: Generating Privacy and Security Threat Summary for Internet of Things REU Student: Ray Yan Graduate mentors: Logan Lebanoff Faculty Mentor(s):"— Presentation transcript:

1 Project #5: Generating Privacy and Security Threat Summary for Internet of Things REU Student: Ray Yan Graduate mentors: Logan Lebanoff Faculty Mentor(s): Dr. Fei Liu Week 3 (June 5 – June 9, 2016) Accomplishments: Studied assigned machine learning textbook material Went to my professor’s weekly meeting to hear about machine learning algorithm optimization Listened to online lectures on supervised/unsupervised learning, model representation, cost functions, gradient descent, linear regression, neural networks, and other subjects Finished doing more code academy python courses in preparation for working with the python program my graduate mentor wrote Plans for next week: Study whatever left is required to be able to work on the primary project Help calculate statistics for research on privacy policy vagueness NSF REU Research Experience on Internet of Things 2017

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