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BIOL 171 Lab Fall 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOL 171 Lab Fall 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 BIOL 171 Lab Fall 2015

2 Instructor: Michelle Smith Contact Information:

3 Class Web Sites: Syllabus Schedule Assignments Handouts
Syllabus Schedule Assignments Handouts 3

4 Lab Time & Location Section 60086 Monday 1-3:45 Section 60235
Imiloa 106

5 Instructor’s Office Location & Hours
Imiloa 136 xxxxx or by apt.

6 Biology and diversity of:
Course Topics Biology and diversity of: Measurements and statistics Biological Molecules Microscope use and cells Enzyme kinetics Meiosis and mitosis Photosynthesis Genetics PCR DNA electrophoresis Bioinformatics Prokaryotes

7 Cell Phones Please turn it off before arriving to class!

8 Attendance Mandatory Be on Time! Don’t expect labs to end early.
Let instructor know if you anticipate an absence.

9 Lab Notebook 60 pts 4 note books lined turned in next lab
Figure 1. Frequency histogram of number of seeds per pod for koa haole, Leucaena leucocephala, seed pods. Date: 9/30/14 Lab 04 Cells Fig. 1. pseudostratified epithelia pseudostratified epithelia cillia nuclei

10 12 lab summaries (20 pts each) Late summaries deduct 3 pts
More than 1 week late not accepted Lab Summary Answer questions (typed) Purpose, procedures, results, discussion Be organized! Microscope Use

11 Library Research Paper
20 pts literature searches, scientific writing, citation procedures, and bibliography formatting 5 pages minimum Late- 5 points deduction up to one week WCC Library citations Fritts, T.H The brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis, a threat to Pacific islands. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Biol. Rep. 88:23-25.

12 Pre-Lab Quizzes 13 pre-lab quizzes (15 points each) for 150 pts
laulima Go to BIOL 171L site May get questions from previous lab as well as current lab 10 best scores No make-up quizzes Don’t be late Timed- 20 minutes

13 Lab Practicals: 2 exams 100 points each (200 pts) No make-up or retake
Form study groups

14 Grading Practical Examinations (2) 200 points
Pre-Lab Quizzes (13) 150 points Laboratory Notebook (13) points Laboratory Summaries (13) 240 points Library Research Report points TOTAL points Grade cutoffs: A = above 90% B = 80%-89.9% C = 65%-79.9% D = 55%-64.9% F = below 54.9% No plus or minus final grades

15 Lab Photo Atlas Adams, B. & Crawley, J. (2013). Van De Graff's Photographic Atlas for the Biology Laboratory (7th edition). Morton Pub. ISBN (~$40)

16 Cheating Plagiarism Academic Dishonesty
See student handbook on conduct code or

17 Lab Safety 01

18 Lab Policies Sign Waiver

19 Preparation Read assignment before attending lab
Take pre-lab quiz up to hr before lab

20 You will be working with some toxic substances in lab
Lab Attire You will be working with some toxic substances in lab Lab coat Gloves Goggles Proper clothing No open-toed shoes

21 Lab Safety Prohibited Food Drink Smoking Cell phone Horseplay
Open-toed shoes

22 Lab Safety Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each chemical used is available to you upon request. Identify the location of the fire extinguisher, first aid kit, emergency shower, and eyewash

23 Handling Chemicals Treat all chemicals as though they were hazardous.
Do not mouth-pipette any chemical. Do not ingest, inhale, touch any chemical.

24 Handling Organisms All organisms, living or dead, should be treated with care and respect. Some organisms may be hazardous if touched or ingested. Avoid direct handling when possible. Proper handling of microorganisms will be demonstrated.

25 Lab Safety Please Report The Following to the instructor: Injuries
Broken equipment Broken glass or tools

26 Lab Safety Broken glassware, slides and coverslips must be disposed of into the “GLASS ONLY” boxes These guidelines will help to protect you from the harmful materials used in lab

27 Lab Safety Equipment In case of an emergency, you should know the location and proper use of all the safety equipment provided in the laboratory. Always immediately inform the instructor of any accident.

28 Fire Extinguishers (3) Squeeze handles. (2) Pull out locking key. (1)
Aim nozzle at base of fire.

29 Position head between spigots. Push handle to start the flow of water!
Flush for at least 15 minutes.

30 Safety Shower Any chemical spill on a person should be washed off immediately and thoroughly using the safety shower. Pull the chain to start the flow of water! Rinse for 20 minutes

31 Chemical Spills Located on lab benches are containers of sodium bicarbonate to neutralize acid spills. These work by covering the spill of acid with a solid. Contact your instructor immediately if there is a chemical spill. Your instructor will handle any and all chemical spills.

32 Special Caution Handling Glassware
Protect hands. Lubricate glass surfaces. NEVER force the glassware!

33 Waste Disposal . Discard waste as needed, during
and at the end of each laboratory period

34 Waste Disposal Specific guidelines need to be observed for waste disposal and will be given by your teacher. Not Sure? PLEASE ASK!!!! Waste Basket

35 Paper Products Paper products that do not contain chemicals can be placed in the waste baskets. Waste Basket

36 Solid and Liquid Chemicals
Solid and liquid chemicals need to be placed in appropriate containers. The exact means will be given in the lab procedure or specified by the instructor. Never dump chemicals down the drain! Never return unused chemicals to the original stock bottle!

37 Behavior Have a positive attitude!
Work cooperatively with group members

38 Clean-up Everyone participates Disinfect your work area
Put equipment away

39 Most Important Keep you eyes open to your surroundings.
If your not sure, ASK!

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