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Justin Hall On Strategy And Business Planning

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Presentation on theme: "Justin Hall On Strategy And Business Planning"— Presentation transcript:

1 Justin Hall On Strategy And Business Planning

2 What We’ll Cover… Redwood – my case study What is Strategy
The Strategic Planning Process and the components of a Strategic Plan. How to bring Strategy to life within and throughout your business The Value of Strategy

3 What is Strategy? From Greek strategia meaning “generalship”
From military speak the method of deploying troops before engaging an enemy (as opposed to methods of engagement which would be defined as tactics) In business speak???

4 Bridging the Gap (Fred Nickols, 2012)


6 An Integrated Set of Choices
Arenas Where will we play? Vehicles How will we get there? Differentiators How will we win? Staging Sequence of events, timing? Economic Logic How will we make returns? (Hambrick and Frederickson, 2001)

7 Shaping Your Future (Lafley & Martin, 2001)

8 Value From Strategy Cohesion Common purpose
Deliberately thought through and researched plans Business self awareness Motivation A clear and measureable plan of action Clarity of “what not to do” Staff engagement Resilience Increased chance of success

9 Where To Begin?

10 Mission [The ONE THING that you will do for your customers]
Fundamental Purpose [The ONE THING that you will do for your customers] Stakeholder Drivers Shareholder Ambitions/Vision Stakeholder Values

11 Objectives What are the milestones to you achieving your mission?
What does success look like? Specific targets comprised of both short and long term goals. Geographic, functional, time related, performance gain? Employee and stakeholder input

12 Strategic Planning Process(es)

13 Strategic Analysis Customer/Consumer Trends Industry/Market Analysis
Business Models (revenue models) Competitors / Collaborators SWOT Analysis Value Chain Analysis Financial Analysis (modelling)

14 Organisational Needs People Structures Processes Capabilities Policies
Employee and stakeholder input

15 Can We Now Say With Confidence?
What our winning aspiration is Where will we play How will we win What capabilities we must build What management systems are required And can we explain our logic for each of the above?

16 How to Bring Strategy to Life
One Page Plans Annual Financial Plans Set targets, measure performance, review (Independent) Governance Link strategic goals to individual and team KPIs Involve wider staff in strategy implementation Communication

17 In Summary Strategic Planning is your way of shaping your own future. Don’t underestimate the value of the planning process itself. Include your stakeholders (incl employees) Engage an independent party who can add value THANK YOU

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