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Review Cell Theory Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic Cells

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Presentation on theme: "Review Cell Theory Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic Cells"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review Cell Theory Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic Cells
All organisms are made of cells All existing cells are produced by other living cells The cell is the most basic unit of life Prokaryotic Vs. Eukaryotic Cells Pro. – NO Eu. – DO

2 Eukaryotic Organelles

3 Plant and Animal Cells Organelles – specialized structures that perform distinct processes in a cell.

4 Cells have an internal structure
Cytoskeleton – shapes and supports the cell structure

5 Plant and Animal Cells Nucleus – directs all cellular activity and stores DNA

6 Plant and Animal Cells Endoplasmic Reticulum – (ER) helps transport materials around the cell Smooth ER – Contains no ribosomes Rough ER – Contains ribosomes Ribosomes – make proteins (Found in cytoplasm AND on the ER)

7 Plant and Animal Cells Golgi Body/Apparatus/Complex – packages and ships proteins.

8 Animal Cells Lysosome – digest and remove damaged cell material

9 Plant and Animal Cells Mitochondria – site of cellular respiration (energy for the cell)

10 Plant and Animal Cell Vacuole – storage container
Central Vacuole – Usually for water in plants Wilting plants lack water in their central vacuole.

11 Plant and Animal Cells Vesicle:
Used by the cell to send materials in or out

12 Animal Cell Centrioles – help divide DNA during cell division.

13 Plant Cells Cell Walls – gives protection, support and shape to the plant cells Allows the cell to hold water without bursting

14 Plant Cells Chloroplasts – site of photosynthesis in plant cells
Chemical energy (sun) into sugar!

15 Plant and Animal Cell Cell Membrane – Controls what enters and exits the cell

16 All Cells Cytoplasm – Jelly like substance inside of cells. Holds organelles in place.

17 Game Time! 2. Ms. C will put up a picture of an
1. Grab a white board, marker and eraser ONLY write on the board when Ms. C tells you too ONLY write what you are supposed to be writing 2. Ms. C will put up a picture of an organelle or describe an Organelle 3. It is your job to write what organelle you think it is!


19 Shapes and supports the cell structure

20 Gives protection and support to plant cells

21 Specialized structures that perform distinct processes in a cell


23 Site of cellular respiration

24 Helps transport materials around the cell (Can be Smooth and Rough)

25 The control center of the cell


27 Digest and remove damaged cell material

28 Packages and ships proteins

29 There are TWO organelles I’m looking for in this picture!!

30 Controls what enters and exits the cell

31 Site of photosynthesis in plant cells
Chemical energy (sun) into sugar!

32 (Found in cytoplasm AND on the ER)
Make proteins (Found in cytoplasm AND on the ER)

33 Storage container for water in plant cells

34 Help divide DNA during cell division

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