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Voice of the Customer Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "Voice of the Customer Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice of the Customer Presentation
February 22, 2015 R16101: RIT- SPEX Testing & Payloads Josh Closson, Sydney Kaminski, Tim Koski, Ben McFadden, Jack Moore Guide: Russell Phelps Introduce yourselves; Tim Background Image:

2 Overview Project Background, Goals, & Objectives Overview
Stakeholders, Point of Contacts, and Faculty Guides Research & Benchmarking Project Goals & Objective Tree Customer Requirements & Pareto Diagram Next Steps Tim

3 Project Background Overall Goal: Objective:
To further the capabilities of the RIT space exploration (SPEX) club and help enable the creation of a CubeSat Objective: Provide RIT with new testing facilities to help design and certify a CubeSat for deployment. Launch Vehicle Emulator Orbital Emulator Jack

4 CubeSat General Overview
General Information: A CubeSat is a low cost, miniature research satellite. It deploys from existing space launch vehicles. CubeSats can serve a variety of purposes including: Earth observation Exposing various experiments to the effects of Low Earth Orbit Amateur radio Cubesat google search, Jack

5 CubeSat Design Research Overview
CubeSats are a specific form of nanosatellite that are launched into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Variation in CubeSat sizes are displayed in the image to the right. Satellites need to be designed to withstand extreme environments during launch and orbit. hesh/Cubesats.html Ben

6 CubeSat Development Overview
CubeSats need to be tested in simulated flight environments to be certified for flight. NASA LSP requirements include vibrations and thermal vacuum chamber testing. RIT SPEX currently lacks the resources to test CubeSats in this way. Ben NASA LSP-REQ Rev. B

7 State of the Art (Industry vs. Educational)

8 Stakeholders Main Customer & Primary Point of Contact
Anthony Hennig, Current leader of SPEX & P16102 Faculty Members: Edward Hanzlik, Faculty advisor for SPEX MSD Teams P16102 and P16103 Dr. Patru, Current faculty guide for SPEX and customer for MSD teams MSD Teams: Deployable Solar Array Team, P16102 Vibration Test Rig, P16103 Microfluidic Spectroscopy for Proteins, P16104 Attitude Determination Control System Testing Apparatus, P16105 Anthony and Dr. Patru are stepping down post semester New stakeholders for future MSD projects - Josh

9 Project Goals Launch Vehicle Emulator Orbital Emulator Sydney
Proposal from Dr. Patru Proposal from Dr. Patru

10 Sydney; Cost, two projects, where pulled from (multiple universities)

11 Customer Requirements
Tim; How to split up importance, spoke with Dr. Patru, why low importance was important. Talk about critical vs. low importance, why

12 Next Steps Debartalo – current 1500 per team, will it continue?
Need to find future Faculty leader for SPEX Josh

13 Questions?

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