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Presentation on theme: "EMERGENCY MEASURES RADIO GROUP"— Presentation transcript:

EMRG-{xxx} Self Study Training Course EMERGENCY MEASURES RADIO GROUP OTTAWA ARES Two Names - One Group - One Purpose {Course Name} Date Of Last Change: yyyy-mm-dd Version: x.z

2 Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES
Course Introduction Course Number: EMRG-{xxx} Course Name: {Course Name} Self Study: Yes Prerequisites: {List any EMRG courses that should be taken before this course} What You Should Learn From This Course: {Brief paragraph explaining the objective for the course and what the student should know after taking this course.} Recommended Reading: {List any EMRG or outside resources that would be good to read, to better understand, or broaden the scope of the material in this course.} Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES

3 Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES
GENERAL GUIDE It is up to the person creating the course to decide if a title is required on a page. Keep the text no wider than the box at the bottom of the page, so nothing is lost in printing or on projection screens that may not be full page width. The background has been kept white so it prints well, can be projected well and does not needlessly use up ink when people print the course. THIS SLIDE IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY – DELETE FROM TRAINING Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES

4 Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES
SELF STUDY TRAINING Use Insert, New Page, to create blank pages Use smaller font ( ) for each bullet There are no slide notes Include enough information in the slide for a person to understand the information. THIS SLIDE IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY – DELETE FROM TRAINING Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES

5 Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES

6 Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES
Self Test Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES

7 Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES
Answers Question Answer: Next Question Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES

8 Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES
The EMRG web site provides information related to Amateur radio emergency communications, specifically as it relates to the City of Ottawa. Project Information Newsletters Upcoming Events Documentation Links to related information Information: Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) - Ottawa ARES


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