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Design Patterns Part 1: Observer, Singleton, & Adapter

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Presentation on theme: "Design Patterns Part 1: Observer, Singleton, & Adapter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Patterns Part 1: Observer, Singleton, & Adapter

2 Learning Objectives Design patterns: what & why When and how to apply
Familiarity with several popular patterns: Observer Singleton Adapter

3 What is a Design Pattern?
Template solutions to common problems Benefits: Avoid re-inventing solutions Promotes software quality Reusability, maintainability, etc. Facilitate communication

4 Running Example: Tiger Dining

5 Tiger Dining Web App


7 Design problem: notification

8 Chef’s view

9 Manager’s view: To see subscribed users

10 How to connect? Orders notification

11 OrdersController new() create() Notifier order_notification() ?

12 Solution: Observer Pattern
Subject attach(observer) detach(observer) notify() Observer update() observes * Needs to add an observer for the food order activity Define one-to-many dependency

13 order_notification() update()
Subject attach(observer) detach(observer) notify() Observer update() observes * OrdersController new() create() add_observer() notify_observers() Notifier order_notification() update() observes *

14 Control Flow OrdersController Order EmailNotifier create save
notify_observers Left to right update Send

15 Goal: Implement Observer pattern
Modify OrdersController (Subject) include “Observable” adds observer using “add_observer” Uses “notify_observers” Modify Notifier (Observer) Observer has “update” method Add code snippet

16 Goal: Implement Observer pattern

17 Goal: Implement Observer pattern

18 Other Examples Spreadsheet Employee payroll GUI program (callback)

19 Classroom Activity

20 Design problem: Sales Logging

21 Problem Saves records of transactions as backup
Sales logging for transaction failure

22 SalesLogger initialize(file) formatter log(message)

23 Solution: Singleton Single file to log all the sales information
Easy to look up Singleton inst: Singleton instance(): Singleton if inst == nil inst = end return inst

24 Making class Singleton
Steps of making a class Singleton: Creating the class variable Initializing it with the single instance = Creating the class level instance method Making a new private

25 Goal: Implement Singleton pattern
SalesLogger class include “Singleton” SalesController call instance call log(message)

26 Goal: Implement Singleton pattern

27 Singleton Examples In Rails: Outside Rails: development.log test.log
Webrick in rake Outside Rails: tomcat ant

28 Design problem: New Payment method

29 Goal: To Add Visa Debit Card and Paypal

30 Goal: To add VisaPay PaymentsController new create … DiningDollars

31 Solution: Adapter Interface which bridge a gap in payment methods
Key objects are Target, Adapter and Adaptee Target Request() Client Adapter Request() Adaptee SpecificRequest()

32 DiningDollarsAdapter
PaymentProcessor process_payment() PaymentsController DiningDollarsAdapter process_payment() VisaPayAdapter process_payment() DiningDollars charge(uid) VisaPay pay(debitcard, cvv, exp)

33 Visa processes the payment
Control Flow PaymentsController VisaPayAdapter VisaPay create process_payment pay Visa processes the payment

34 Goal: Implement Adapter Pattern
PaymentsController “create” method call the adapter based on the input type VisaPayAdapter defines “process_payments” inherited from the PaymentProcessor VisaPay defines pay(creditcard, cvv, exp) saves the information

35 Adapter: Example in Rails
Active Records Contains adapters for several databases (PostgreSQL or MySQL) Wraps them up in common interface AbstractAdapter implements common functionality PostgreSQLAdapter AbstractMysqlAdapter

36 Summary Singleton: Observer: Adapter: Making Sure There Is Only one
Keeping Up with the Times Adapter: Filling the gaps

37 Practice Quiz

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