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Energy and Technology Partnership Conference

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1 Energy and Technology Partnership Conference
Seven question about fracking in Scotland-policy context and policy focussed PhD research Oluwafisayo Alabi Energy and Technology Partnership Conference 10/10/2017

2 Introduction Motivation: we need to improve on the fracking debate…..are the wrong questions being asked? Series of events: Blog, policy brief and SEA UK Shale Gas conference Sept/Oct 12 Scottish Govt. evidence Scottish Govt. public consultation document and questions Response to the consultation EU conference ; Transatlantic knowledge sharing conference on unconventional hydrocarbons- Amsterdam, Netherlands Funding application

3 The Questions on Fracking (UOG)
Economist and Engineer Scottish Government 1. What do we need gas for and how much will Scotland need in the future? 1. What are the views on the potential social, community and health impacts of UOG industry in Scotland? 2. Have the potential health impacts of fracking been considered in sufficient breadth and depth? 2. What are your views on the community benefits schemes that could apply, were a UOG industry is to be developed in Scotland 3. What is the Scottish context for assessing the potential economic benefits of fracking? 3. What are the views on the potential impact of a UOG industry to Scotland economy and manufacturing sector 4. What is the likely distribution of risk and rewards from fracking in Scotland 4. What are your views on the potential role of UOG in Scotland’s energy mix 5. Just what is covered by Scottish regulation of fracking? 5. What are your views on the potential environmental impacts of UOG in Scotland 6. Are the potential risk and benefits of fracking being set in proportion and in contest? 6. What are your views on the potential climate change impacts of UOG in Scotland 7. Has the Scottish government’s moratorium of fracking been placed on the right thing? 7. What are your views on the regulatory framework that that would apply to a UOG industry in Scotland - 8. Overall, and in light of the available evidence ,what to do you think would be the main benefits, if any of a UOG industry in Scotland 9. Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main risk or challenge, if any, of an UOG industry in Scotland

4 The Economic Question Scottish Government: What are the views on the potential impact of a UOG industry to Scotland economy and manufacturing sector? – Government commissioned economic analysis on UOG done by KPMG Economist and Engineer: What is the Scottish context for assessing the potential economic benefits of fracking? Economic evidence underpins all other areas….but Very simple and opaque techno-economic analysis No full economy-wide impact analysis across sectors Limited insight for policy decision making

5 Why do a Policy Focused PhD Research?
To develop and/or apply useful tools for examining the interdependences within the economy and the interactions between the economy and the environment Provide policy with flexible framework or tools (e.g. inter-country or interregional applicability) Timing of the research: Moratorium, Brexit: industrial input & competiveness and energy supply question Support existing economic and environmental policies or inform new policy decisions To make policy makers rethink and reconsider some of the decisions they may want to implement or not

6 Conclusion Going forward :
Research being driven by policy questions crossing over with academic interest e.g. Funding application Get policy makers involved in the process of the research

7 Thank you for your attention
Blog: g/september2016/7questionsaboutfrackinginscotland/ Response to SG consultation on UOG: forenergypolicy/consultations/unconventionaloilandgas- centreforenergypolicyresponse/

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