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Amerindian Economics.

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1 Amerindian Economics

2 Native Trade Networks In their commercial exchanges Amerindians used barter Barter is the exchange of goods without the use of currency/money Their trade networks extended across North America and allowed products to be transported great distances Trade was connected to waterways and trails where water could not go these are called channels of communication in our course Trade usually took place at a confluence (where two waterways meet)

3 Trade The purpose of trade was not to make profit or become wealthy but to satisfy needs The Iroquoians would exchange pottery or agricultural goods for fur and meat with the Algonquians Copper was an important resource for Amerindians and was used to make hooks and needles It was found west of Lake Superior and traveled as far as the Inuit

4 Significance of Trade Trade was not just for economic reasons it was also the basis of Alliances To the Amerindians trading partners were also military and political partners Trade gatherings were also diplomatic discussions to maintain alliances and peace These alliances were usually concluded with the exchange of wampum: a belt made of shells

5 Alliance System Relations between Amerindian groups led to establishment of systems of alliance These system emerged when several nations decided to work together to defend their interests (ie trade, mutual defense) The alliances were flexible and nations joined or left as there interests changed Over time political alliances emerged while others disappeared These alliances often brought conflict

6 War When interests between alliance systems were not compatible this sometimes led to war when diplomacy failed War was common among the Amerindians and was a crucial part of their culture Unlike European wars killing the enemy was not the point For Amerindians War was about showcasing warrior skills the highest honor would be afforded a warrior who could touch an enemy and get away unhurt

7 Prisoners of War During war prisoners were taken captive
Many were tortured and killed by being made to run the gauntlet Sometimes (especially among the Iroquois) prisoners were adopted into families to replace deceased loved ones These adopted prisoners would start a new life and have the same position as the deceased they were replacing Some wars called mourning wars and were fought because of the need to take captives to replace the dead

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