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Julie Rothrock and Annalise Simonson

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Presentation on theme: "Julie Rothrock and Annalise Simonson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Julie Rothrock and Annalise Simonson
KELP FOREST Presented By: Julie Rothrock and Annalise Simonson

2 Distribution of Kelp Communities
Location Distribution of Kelp Communities

3 Climate A sunny canopy (top layer), a dimly lit middle, and a dark forest bottom Temperature degree (F ) Well oxygenated

4 Flora Various Algae Kelp Surf Grass Holdfast Stipe Blade Surf Grass
Fauchea Red Coralline Algae

5 Fauna Sea Otter Purple Sea Urchin Brown Cup Coil Garibaldi

6 Threats Purple Sea Urchin Over Fishing Pollution Global Warming

7 Why Should We Care? Environmental Importance Economic Importance

8 Resources Electronic Books
Campbell, N.A., and Reece, J.B., (2002). Biology (6th ed). San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings. Kaiser, M.J., Attrill, M.J., Jennings, S., Thomas, D.N., Barnes, D.A., Brierley, A.S., Polunin, N.V., Raffaelli, D.G., and Williams, P.J. (2005) Marine Ecology, Processes, Systems, and Impacts. New York: Oxford University Press. Electronic Edwards, M and Foster, M. (2006). Kelp Forests & Subtidal Habitats. Retrieved September 20, 2006, from Lozinsky, G. (2002). Kelp Forest. Retrieved September 20, 2006, from

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