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ERA 8 – Global Conflicts Jeopardy Review Game

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Presentation on theme: "ERA 8 – Global Conflicts Jeopardy Review Game"— Presentation transcript:

1 ERA 8 – Global Conflicts Jeopardy Review Game

2 ERA 8 Jeopardy Review Game
Causes of World War I World War I Between World Wars World War II & The Holocaust ERA 6 & 7 Review Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Causes of World War I What is a group of countries that promise
to protect and provide assistance if another is attacked?

4 $100 Causes of World War I Alliance System Allies Powers:
Central Powers:

5 $200 Causes of World War I Where a stronger country forces
their economic and military way of life on a weaker country

6 $200 Causes of World War I Imperialism The Scramble for Africa

7 country. Belief that your country and government can do no wrong.
$300 Causes of World War I High patriotism and devotion for your country. Belief that your country and government can do no wrong.

8 $300 Causes of World War I Nationalism

9 Two reasons why the U.S. became
$400 Causes of World War I Two reasons why the U.S. became involved in World War I.

10 $400 Causes of World War I Zimmerman Telegraph (note)
Sinking of the Lusitania

11 $500 Causes of World War I “The spark that lit the powder keg of Europe” and the most immediate cause of World War I.

12 Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
$500 Causes of World War I Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

13 A area of land known as No-Man’s land,
$100 Question World War I A area of land known as No-Man’s land, the use of chemical weapons, and terrible conditions such as rats, lice, and diseases are all part of what type of warfare?

14 $100 Answer World War I Trench Warfare

15 _______________ _______________.
$200 Question World War I The new weaponry and technology used in WWI was made possible because of the _______________ _______________.

16 Industrial Revolution.
$200 Answer World War I Industrial Revolution.

17 $300 Causes of World War I The Zimmerman Telegram was a letter sent from _________________ to the country of __________________.

18 $300 Causes of World War I Germany, Mexico

19 $400 Question World War I This was the policy used by Germany, in which they destroyed any type of ship (civilian, merchant, or military) in the waters around Great Britian.

20 $400 Answer World War I Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

21 $500 Question World War I The name of the document that ended World War I was the _____________ of _____________

22 $500 Answer World War I Treaty of Versailles

23 $100 Question Between World Wars
Give 3 “punishments” that Germany received at the end of World War I.

24 $100 Answer Between World Wars
Return land to France – Alsace Lorraine region Reduce military to 100,000 soldiers Sign the ‘War Guilt Clause’ Pay war reparations of $33 billion to Allies countries

25 $200 Question Between World Wars
High unemployment rates, a decrease in trade with other countries, and a low average income for citizens are all signs of what?

26 $200 Answer Between World Wars
An economic recession or depression

27 $300 Question Between World Wars
Name both reasons the League of Nations failed to keep peace in the world.

28 $300 Answer Between World Wars
Lack of support from world powers (U.S.A., Soviet Union, and Japan) No military force to back it’s policies

29 $400 Question Between World Wars
This event occurred on October 29, 1929, leading to the biggest economic depression in world history.

30 $400 Answer Between World Wars
Black Tuesday

31 $500 Question Between World Wars
Censorship of the press, mass arrest, and/or secret police are most characteristic of what form of government?

32 $500 Answer Between World Wars
Totalitarian Dictatorships

33 $100 Question World War II Give an example of a push factor for the Jewish population during the 1930s in Europe.

34 Racial Discrimination, The Nuremberg Laws, The Holocaust
$100 Answer World War II Racial Discrimination, The Nuremberg Laws, The Holocaust

35 $200 Question World War II Native people losing their culture, customs, languages, and religions due to being taking over by a more powerful country is typically caused by the policy of _________________________.

36 $200 Answer World War II Imperialism

37 $300 Question World War II Giving into the demands of an enemy in hopes to avoid war is known as ___________________.

38 $300 Answer World War II Appeasement

39 $400 Question World War II The _________ _________ Act authorized the United States to send war materials to those countries that were vital to national interests.

40 $400 Answer World War II Lend-Lease

41 _______________ & ______________.
$500 Question World War II The Allied Powers helped the country of Japan after World War II by assisting them in rebuilding their _______________ & ______________.

42 Government (democracy)
$500 Answer World War II Government (democracy) & Economy

43 $100 Question Review During the Scientific Revolution the Heliocentric Theory was a main topic of debate between ________________ & _____________

44 $100 Answer Review Science & Religion

45 $200 Question Review Name at least one reason the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain.

46 $200 Answer Review Abundance of Natural Resources
Large number of Financial Resources Education and competition of businesses

47 What affect did Peter the Great have on the country of Russia?
$300 Question Review What affect did Peter the Great have on the country of Russia?

48 Brought western European ideas into Russia Expanded Russia’s empire.
$300 Answer Review Brought western European ideas into Russia Expanded Russia’s empire.

49 $400 Question Review The means of production are privately owned and the emphasis is on individual profit are characteristics of what type of economic system?

50 $400 Answer Review Market Economy

51 $500 Question Review One way The Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment are all similar because they were all started by…

52 Questioning previous traditional values and past practices.
$500 Question Review Questioning previous traditional values and past practices.

53 Final Jeopardy/Tie Breaker
What was the name of Woodrow Wilson’s plan that included the formation of the League of Nations after World War I?

54 Final Jeopardy/Tie Breaker
Wilson’s 14 Points

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