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Welcome to the coolest cat’s cradle review game where everything is meaningful and necessary to your general knowledge, and you will walk away feeling.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the coolest cat’s cradle review game where everything is meaningful and necessary to your general knowledge, and you will walk away feeling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the coolest cat’s cradle review game where everything is meaningful and necessary to your general knowledge, and you will walk away feeling as though you encountered a game that does have an end and does not make you feel as though your existence is futile. Characters Bokononist Terminology Speakers Plot Whatever I feel like, but mostly major ideas Oh, Vonnie, you little satirist, you. 100 200 300 400 500

2 A Bug Tormentor.

3 frank Back

4 He is President of Fabri-Tek.

5 Harrison c. conners Back

6 Originally named lionel boyd johnson.

7 Bokonon. Back

8 The nihilist who destroys John's NYC apartment and writes a dispose-all poem in feces.

9 Sherman krebbs. Back

10 These 6 people survive on the island of San Lorenzo, and are alive at the very end.

11 John, Frank, Newt, H. Lowe Crosby, Hazel Crosby, & Bokonon

12 Bokononism is based entirely on these.

13 FOMA(S) (harmless untruths).

14 The mintons were a karass of 2.

15 Duprass. Back

16 John is one; he wants all of mona’s love.

17 Sin-wat (greedy lover).

18 Mingling of awareness: soul and sole.

19 Boko-maru. Back

20 “If you wish to study tHIS, just remove the skin of a toy balloon.”

21 granfalloon (a false karass).

22 “The thing I like is that they all speak English and they’re all Christians. That makes things so much easier.”

23 Hazel crosby. Back

24 “You are coming to the best friend america has ever had
“You are coming to the best friend america has ever had. America is misunderstood many places, but not here, mr. ambassador.”

25 “Papa” Monzano Back

26 “no wonder kids grow up crazy
“no wonder kids grow up crazy. A cat’s cradle is nothing but a bunch of x’s between somebody’s hands, and little kids look and look at all those x’s…”

27 Newt. Back

28 “you can quote me: man is vile, and man makes nothing worth making, knows nothing worth knowing.”

29 Julian castle Back

30 “maturity, the way I understand it, is knowing what your limitations are.”

31 Frank. Back

32 Daily Double

33 The 2 settings of the novel's plot.

34 Ilium, ny and san lorenzo.

35 It brought Bokonon to the island of San Lorenzo.

36 The lady slipper, or the golden boat.

37 each hoenniker child traded this for A chip of ice-9.

38 angela = Harrison C. Conners, a husband. Newt = a weekend w/ Zinka
angela = Harrison C. Conners, a husband. Newt = a weekend w/ Zinka. Frank = a job in San Lorenzo Back

39 Before leaving for san lorenzo, john finds what he now refers to as his vin-dit (sudden, personal shove towards bokononism) at this person’s shop.

40 Marvin breed. Back

41 This insane elevator operator displays a wise knowledge of re-search and regards the hoenikkers as “babies full of rabies.”

42 Lyman enders knowles. Back

43 Bokonon regards this as useless to WRITE DOWN because humans refuse to learn from their mistakes.

44 History/the past. Back

45 The cause of emily’s death.

46 wrecked car causing pelvic damage and complications during birth delivery of Newt

47 Minton’s speech at the hundred martyrs to democracy is an excellent example of the excessive futility of this major topic of consideration within the novel as it is an illusion.

48 Patriotism/nationalism/militarism

49 This is overrated, and vonnegut does not believe those accountable for it understand its limitations and their responsibility to the world.

50 Science. Back

51 Vonngut asks us to consider whether the idea of this is a lie, and if it is, is that a bad thing? Can it still be useful/necessary?

52 Religion. Back

53 Much of Cat’s cradle deals with a philosophy that centers, morally, on human needs and interests. Kurt said, “I try to behave decently without expectations of words or punishments after I am dead.”

54 humanism Back

55 This was the place where vonnegut worked and realized he hates horse jumping.

56 Sports illustrated Back

57 This type of satire uses irony, hypeBrole, etc
This type of satire uses irony, hypeBrole, etc. for the betterment of human society, as it seeks to criticize rather than attack and often laughs at human folly.

58 Horatian satire Back

59 During this bombing, vonnegut survived as a p. o
During this bombing, vonnegut survived as a p.o.w in an underground slaughterhouse. He also received this when he returned home after the war due to his “frost bite” and “ludicrously negligible wound”

60 Dresden, germany and a purple heart

61 This type of “humor” is ridicule for no greater purpose than cheap laughs. It also treats their subject often rudely and ludicrously.

62 Burlesque humor Back

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