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Colour electrochromism and Thomas Bangert

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1 Colour electrochromism and Thomas Bangert

2 part 1: The Colour Model The Munsell Colour Model
actual mapping to human vision A colour catalog vs a colour model

3 color catalog vs colour model
catalog requires selection of colours based on perceptual matching partial colour model codes spectrum as systematic mixing of wavelengths true colour model codes the color of spectrum X=100,Y=100,Z=0 Yellow

4 Colour as information a theory of information processing.

5 Colour Reproduction true colour code + specs of viewer = image
colour defined by code viewer can be group or individual display decides how to create colour from code gives perceptual predictability Yellow Orange + bluish-red Magenta

6 The Standard Observer from colour matching studies
CIE1931 xy chromaticity diagram primaries at: nm, 546.1nm, 700nm The XYZ sensor response Y is defined as luminance difference from Y is the colour information The Math: … 2-d as z is redundant

7 Understanding CIE chromaticity
x and y show difference from Y Best understood as a failed colour circle White in center Saturated / monochromatic wavelengths on the periphery Everything in between is a mix of white and the colour Circular colour models are the holy grail of colour theory … so far no one has succeeded!

8 But does the CIE model work?
Does it match? Problem #1: ‘negative primaries’ Problem #2: no definition of colour

9 Colour Sensor response to monochromatic light
Human Bird 4 sensors Equidistant on spectrum What are these sensors used for? What information is needed? my answer is: Wavelength

10 How to calculate wavelength with 2 poor quality luminance sensors.
1 . a shift of Δ from a known reference point . 8 G R . 6 . 4 . 2 . λ-Δ λ λ+Δ Wavelength Roughly speaking:

11 the ideal light stimulus
Monochromacy: The reason we see rainbows is because the human visual system works with single wavelength light -- monochromatic light monochromatic stimulus This is the underlying paradigm! Allows wavelength to be measured in relation to reference.

12 Problem: natural light is not ideal
Light stimulus might not activate reference sensor fully. Light stimulus might not be fully monochromatic. ie. there might be white mixed in

13 Solution: Then reference sensor can be normalized A 3rd sensor is used to measure equiluminance. Which is subtracted. Equiluminance & Normalization – essential to finding wavelength, can also called saturation and lightness

14 a 4 sensor design 2 opponent pairs only 1 of each pair can be active
min sensor is equiluminance

15 Human Retina only has 3 sensors! What to do?
We add an emulation layer. Hardware has 3 physical sensors but emulates 4 sensors No maths … just a diagram!

16 Testing Colour Opponent model
What we should see What we do see There is Red in our Blue – the problem of Purple

17 Pigment Absorption Data of human cone sensors
Red > Green

18 Dual Opponency with Circularity
an ideal model using 2 sensor pairs

19 a circular colour model
We divide colour coding and colour reproduction: Coding no need to link to specific observer – ideal observer not linked specifically to human vision Display decides how best to present colour to observer – making colour anomalies fit

20 Part 2 – Reproducing Colour
Part 1 – Coding Colour fully circular universal ideal observer Part 2 – Reproducing Colour takes knowledge about observer and optimizes/distorts to the individual/group improved or natural reproduction modes

21 Coding Natural Colour Problem #1: Real world is not monochromatic
Spectrum of a common yellow flower

22 Colour coding … for dual channel opponency
Problem # 1 easy to solve we simply assume monochromacy when stimuli are not monochromatic opponent channels simply subtract to 0 green, yellow and red are active r-g = 0 leaving only yellow b = 0 stimuli equivalent to monochromatic

23 Opponent Coding Only primaries are true colours
all other colours are intermediary … and can be generated by proportions of primaries!

24 Accurate colour reproduction … for humans
Problem # 2 Any colour may be displayed by a combination of 2 primaries but the location of primaries can vary between individuals and intermediary locations can be distorted

25 Accurate colour reproduction … tuned to the individual
primaries must be mapped for the individual mid-points must be mapped Provides an individual colour profile … a map of the primaries and intermediary points. 467 517 573 644 545 503 603

26 tunable primaries 573 644 517 467 W a v e l e n g t h ( n m ) 1 . 2
Yellow 644 1 . 517 . 8 467 Red . 6 Green . 4 Blue . 2 . - .2 3 5 4 4 5 5 55 60 65 700 W a v e l e n g t h ( n m )

27 Part 3 testing the theory
is it sound? is it useful? does human vision use it? Is there empirical evidence to support paradigm + theory? note: a theoretical model about information is the information itself!

28 Apparatus monochromator light source
equal light across visible spectrum

29 the stimuli

30 Transition Colour Matching
generate subject selectable monochromatic stimuli subject selects colour perceptual primaries are calculated

31 Results no leading questions -- only “blue”
4 primaries (pure colours) naturally resolve to blue, green, yellow and red primaries are equidistant transitions worked for all subjects Most subjects see peripheral colours red in blue 40% could see “magenta” – blue in red potential problem: people treat purple as if it were primary some colour blind people can’t see purple

32 histogram of results

33 results from mapping colour vision

34 Application natural colour reproduction

35 Luminance: High Dynamic Range
Current display technology: – 100 cd/m2 (currently pushed up to 500, but designed for 100 cd/m2) DICOM GSDF: – 4,000 cd/m2 (defined for grayscale medical imaging only) Natural environment: – 10,000 cd/m2

36 Coding HDR … using an absolute lumiance code rather than a relative code HDR is here now … using multiple exposure!

37 the colour of infra-red (650-750nm)
not the stereo-type but true infra-red – high wavelength light remove the filter from a digital camera & it will work in the infra-red Images in the infra-red produced by enthusiasts now! What is the colour when you go beyond red?

38 related work: Dolby

39 Examples of real world colour?
Colours are often computed, not measured!

40 … an extreme example What is the colour?

41 Part 4 – Building Real Colour Displays
Colour coded based on ideal model colour model based on perception of colour not retinal sensors Colour display tuned to the individual

42 Electrochromism similar to rechargeable battery
electrolyte is source of ions electrical potential pushes ions into electrochromic layer ions cause oxidation/reduction and the absorption/colour changes reverse the polarity and the ions are forced out and the reaction reverses colour change is caused by some wavelengths being absorbed the basic application is a smart window

43 EcoPix The aim of EcoPix is to turn electrochromism into useful display technology €1,000,000 EU funded project main partners are METU in Turkey, CENTI in Portugal and QMUL full colour (subtractive RGB) displays are intended to be exterior, billboard size with natural illumination

44 work so far Samples we are receiving from METU: PEDOT:PSS Blue/Cyan
single layer devices using ITO as electrodes roughly 35x35mm

45 Blue/Cyan without white balance / xenon light source
light from xenon short – similar to sunlight samples absorb about 50% of light coloured state absorbs further 50% of light

46 Blue/Cyan Transmittance (white balanced)
potential progressively applied

47 Transparent / Coloured States

48 Transparent / Coloured state transition
frame rate: 25 fps state change takes about 2 frames 80ms very low current order of 100µa for state change in current samples stable for approx. 30s

49 Lab Facilities Dedicated Colour Lab to deliver QMUL share of EcoPix.
Standard 35mm photographic slide projection 50x50mm slides xenon light (used in cinema) room size front and rear projection screen Precision programmable power supply

50 measurement by rear projection

51 Questions? References Poynton, C. A. (1995). “Poynton’s Color FAQ”, electronic preprint. Bangert, Thomas (2008). “TriangleVision: A Toy Visual System”, ICANN 2008. Goldsmith, Timothy H. (July 2006). “What birds see”. Scientific American: 69–75. Neitz, Jay; Neitz, Maureen. (August 2008). “Colour Vision: The Wonder of Hue”. Current Biology 18(16): R700-r702.

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