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LIU / HL-LHC Cost and Schedule Review
17-19 October 2016 17-19 October 2016
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Table of contents: Outcomes of the Cost and Schedule review Baseline beam parameters Machine layout Status of work progress Mandatory CONSolidation items Risks and mitigation Budget, manpower, EVM Schedule 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
March 2015 : Outcomes of the Cost and Schedule review
Findings The goal is to provide bunches to the LHC with Nb = 2.0×1011, ex,y = 1.9 mm (the HL-LHC goal is Nb = 2.3×1011, ex,y = 2.1 mm). The two largest items of the scope are (1) an upgrade of the RF system and (2) an upgrade of the beam transfer system to the LHC. The total cost is 76.8MCHF (for M&S (Material and Services? only), with 30.0 MCHF for the RF system and 18.4 MCHF for the beam transfer system. The schedule begins in 2015, hardware installation ends at the end of 2019, beam commissioning to LIU (HL-LHC) performance extends to the end of 2013. For risk all WBS elements were categorized as either 1 or 2 with the exception of the beam dump (risk 3) Comments The scope definition is only preliminary for the SPS. Items for cost savings are (1) the amorphous Carbon (aC) of the SPS chambers (up to 5.4 MCHF savings) and (2) the new internal beam dump (up to 5 MCHF savings). The decision for aC coating can be taken with the scrubbing experience from 2015, and the coating of only some sections of the SPS vacuum chamber is possible. Flanges were found to cause a coupled bunch instability, but shielding of the flanges (at least 2 MCHF) is not in the baseline. The new beam dump, the cabling campaign and the C coating pose the largest schedule risk. If aC coating is not or only partially needed, the schedule risk can be significantly reduced. Concerns were raised over key personnel in the RF group retiring during or shortly after LS2. The planned crab cavity test in SPS was not presented as part of the schedule Recommendations Include the shielding of the flanges in the SPS in the LIU baseline. 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
2016 beam parameter** table: protons
Standard scheme N (x 1011p/b) e (mm) Bl(ns) Number of bunches PSB/ring 34.2 1.7 650 1 PS 32.5 1.8 205 4 + 2 SPS 2.6 1.9 3.0 4 x 72 LHC 2.3 2.1 1.6 10 x 288 BCMS scheme N (x 1011p/b) e (mm) Bl(ns) Number of bunches PSB/ring 17.1 1.3 650 1 PS 16.2 1.4 135 2 x 4 SPS 2.6 1.5 3.0 5 x 48 LHC 2.3 1.7 1.6 11 x 240 LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project Description, LIU-PM-RPT-0015 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT ** In each machine beam parameters are given at injection and after RF capture
2016 beam parameter** table: Pb ions
(x 108 ions/b) e (mm) Bl(ns) Number of bunches LEIR 9.3 0.5 860 2 PS 6.8 0.7 177 SPS 2.6 1.0 3.9 16 x 4 LHC 1.7 1.3 1.5 20 x 64 LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) Project Description, LIU-PM-RPT-0015 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT ** In each machine beam parameters are given at injection and after RF capture
Intensity limiting effects in the SPS
Ramp and flat top: Longitudinal instability Limited RF power and beam loading Along the whole cycle: Electron cloud Injection flat bottom: Capture losses, incoherent losses Space charge TMCI 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS activities EYETS 2016-2017
New Vacuum sectorization Optical fibres for the orbit systems 2 New fast BLMs (Diamond) New Fast BCT (LSS5) aC coating (QF, 2 cells MBB,10% drift) and impedance reduction Renovation of the over head crane (ECX5) Civil engineering for new beam dump 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS activities YETS 2017-2018
New RF power feeder line New Fast BCT (LSS3) aC coating (QF, 1 cell MBB, drift) and impedance reduction 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS activities LS2 Under studies: Relocation of the BSRT New ionization BLMs Upgrade of the low level RF New Wideband Transverse Damper MKP improvements ZS improvement (LSS2) 200 MHz RF power upgrade (LSS3, BA3, BAF3) Reconfiguration of LSS1 (LSS1, BA1) aC coating (QF, drift) and Impedance reduction Extraction protection devices: Replacement of TPSC4 (LSS4) Replacement of TPSG6 (LSS6) New collimators TCDI (TI2, TI8) Replacement MOPOS electronics (Sextants 1,2,3,4,5,6) New Beam Dump Reconfiguration of LSS5 New fast Wire Scanners (LSS4, LSS5) New BGI (LSS5) 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS overall WPs 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Progress on individual equipment / System (top 10)
Equipment / Systems Activity Description Status Due date (EYETS, YETS, LS2) RF systems: RF 200 MHz power (25.1 MCHF) Power upgrade (2 new 1.6 MW plants, upgrade existing plants to 1.15 MW, rearrange cavities) Production of power amplifiers. Testing of driver amplifiers. Installation of BAF3 LS2 Internal beam dump (12.3 MCHF) Relocate dump to LSS5, new dump block, shielding, platform and tunnel CE, V kicker, generators Prototyping of dump, kicker generators. CE deployment for EYETS EYETS, LS2 Beam loss control: TCDIL (9.1 MCHF) New 2.1 m long 3D carbon collimators Prototyping and tendering Beam instrumentation (6.8 MCHF) New orbit acquisition electronics and fibres, new wirescanners, new diamond BLMs, upgrades to BCTs, BSRT, HeadTail monitor Production, prototype testing 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Progress on individual equipment / System (top 10)
Equipment / Systems Activity Description Status Due date (EYETS, YETS, LS2) ecloud mitigat-ion: aC coating (4.2 MCHF) Coat all QF SSS, Ø159 mm drifts and one arc of MBB dipoles Production. Pilot deployment in EYETS EYETS, LS2 TRF systems: transverse damper (2.9 MCHF) Upgrade high-power damper, prototype wideband feedback system Operational (high power damper), beam tests (WBFB) 2016 Vacuum system: additional valves (2.6 MCHF) New valves and instruments to halve length of long mid-arc vacuum sectors Production, installation EYET, LS2 RF systems: 200 MHz RF Low Level (1.9 MCHF) New digital electronics for 200 MHz, new slip-stacking functionality Specification LS2 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Progress on individual equipment / System (top 10)
Equipment / Systems Activity Description Status Due date (EYETS, YETS, LS2) Vacuum system: Flange impedance reduction (1.2 MCHF) Shield all QF SSS transitions (108 half-cells) Production. Pilot installation in EYETS EYETS, LS2 Beam transfer: extraction protection (1.1 MCHF) Addition diluter modules in LSS4 and LSS6 Design, procurement LS2 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
RF systems: 200 MHz power 25.1 MCHF total, 12.9 committed, 4.4 paid
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 25.1 MCHF total, 12.9 committed, 4.4 paid
Internal beam dump 12.3 MCHF total, 1.0 committed, 0.6 paid
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 12.3 MCHF total, 1.0 committed, 0.6 paid
Beam loss control: TCDIL
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 9.1 MCHF total, 0.9 committed, 0.6 paid
Beam instrumentation 6.8 MCHF total, 4.6 committed, 4.5 paid
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 6.8 MCHF total, 4.6 committed, 4.5 paid
ecloud mitigation: aC coating
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 4.2 MCHF total, 1.4 committed, 1.2 paid
RF systems: transverse damper
WBFB 4 GS/s Demonstrator (with USLARP) High power damper upgrade (finished) Feedback off – intrabunch instability Feedback on – instability damped 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 2.9 MCHF total, 1.2 committed, 1.2 paid
Vacuum system: additional valves
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 2.6 MCHF total, 2.0 committed, 1.8 paid
RF systems: 200 MHz LL 1.9 MCHF total, 0.0 committed, 0.0 paid
Existing cavity control Existing beam control 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 1.9 MCHF total, 0.0 committed, 0.0 paid
Vacuum system: flange impedance reduction
Mention here risk of performance limits from longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 1.2 MCHF total, 0.1 committed, 0.0 paid
Beam transfer systems: extraction protection
TPSG6 integration TPSG4 FLUKA model and results for QFA418 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT 1.1 MCHF total, 0.2 committed, 0.1 paid
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Completed activities Equipment / Systems Activity Description Status Transverse damper New high-power damper digital control, pickups, cables, fibre delays; for p and ions Operational 800 MHz New LLRF and power upgrade, add 2nd 800 MHz cavity Magnet interlocks New PLC based system LSS1 vacuum New valves around dump kickers MKD and scrapers Kicker impedance Serigraphy of extraction kickers MKE*, transition pieces for MKDV, rearrangement of MKE in LSS4 Operational (*additional optimization with 25 ns beam still in progress) Kicker powering Reduction of MKE 5→4 in LSS4, simplification of powering Extraction septa Improve stability of transfer lines x2 by reducing ripple on MST/MSE power converters 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Progress status summary
Equipment / Systems March 2015 status October 2016 status Remarks RF 200 MHz power upgrade Building construction, design, tendering Installation, production, testing Building complete, first 140 kW amplifier tested New beam dump in LSS5 Concept undecided (internal/external) Design/prototyping/ procurement: on schedule. CE and decabling to start in EYETS New TL collimators Design Prototyping/ procurement: on schedule HiRadMat materials tests not possible in 2016 Beam Instrumentation Study, prototyping Production, prototype testing aC coating Baseline undecided (coating/scrubbing). Prototyping Production. Pilot deployment in EYETS on 1 arc of QF SSS, 16 MBBs 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Progress status summary
Equipment / Systems March 2015 status October 2016 status Remarks Transverse damper Commissioning (high power damper), prototyping (WBFB) Operational (high power damper), beam tests (WBFB) Arc vacuum sectorisation Cabling Production, installation Impedance of all VVSA/VVSB a concern – option to shield all VV? 200 MHz RF low level Specification Little progress Extraction protection Study Design, procurement Flange impedance reduction Concept undecided. Study. Production. Pilot installation in EYETS QF SSS (x108). Added 200 MHz HOM impedance reduction study 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Major Baseline changes (since 2015 C&S review)
Equipment / Systems Description Status (pending more information/ endorsed/seeking approval…) QF SSS vacuum flanges and chambers Add impedance shielding, of 108 QF SSS (about 300 vacuum junctions). Combine with aC coating of SSS and QF. Prototype deployment in EYETS of 9 SSS aC coating Staged aC deployment, with pilot in EYETS and 1 arc in LS2. Scrubbing as baseline Beam dump Internal shielded dump in LSS5, instead of external dump system In design and prototyping phase, with CE starting EYETS of ECX5 support 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Technical system reviews since March 2015
Beam instrumentation for SPS (2/6/15) Technology for SPS RF 200 MHz main amplifiers (29/7/15) SPS scrubbing and coating (8-9/9/15) [external] 200 MHz upgrade progress (24/9/15) LSS5 beam dump civil engineering works (15/3/16) LSS5 beam dump block preliminary design (6-7/4/16) [external] LSS5 beam dump kicker design (25-26/5/16) [external] Wideband feedback system (20-21/9/16) [external] 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Mandatory CONSolidation activities for LIU-SPS
Equipment / Systems Description Risks if not done Due date Electrical cables Decabling of obsolete cables No space in cable trays for new cables EYETS, LS2 Electrical distribution 18 kV / 400 V distribution consolidation Essential for RF 200 MHz, LSS5 dump. LS2 Water cooling SPS cooling loop upgrade linked to SM18 Essential for RF 200 MHz system BLM upgrade BLM electronics Increased losses, down-time, performance LS3? Many LIU-SPS specific consolidation activities already transferred to LIU 800 MHz RF system upgrade Transverse damper upgrade SPS beam dump kicker MKDV switch upgrade Magnet interlock upgrade Beam halo scraper improvements 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Risks summary Equipment / System Risks Risk Level class Mitigation RF 200 MHz Beamloss at PS to SPS transfer High (performance, 20% intensity reduction) -use additional PS 40 MHz cavity -improved PS bunch rotation -80 MHz capture system in SPS -additional 200 MHz voltage in PS -collimation system in SPS LLRF Delay in design and installation High (2021 schedule) -reinforce resources on LLRF system -prioritise wrt other activities TL collimators 3DC robustness and procurement Medium (schedule) -use graphite (lower performance reach expected) RF/impedance Longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities Medium (performance) -replace VV with shielded versions -further impedance reduction Slip stacking not operational in 2021 Medium (ion performance) -increase resources on simulation Injection kicker Excessive impedance heating Medium (performance) -new kicker design -replace existing kickers 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Upgrades beyond baseline?
High risk out-of-specification injection losses, from PS-SPS longitudinal transfer Under study with 72b of 2e11 from PS (in large transverse emittance – up to 20% losses Diagnostics to fully untangle ecloud available in 2017 Mitigation measures being analysed, but need to be compatible with PS requirements (would ideally like larger longitudinal emittance) and constraints from SPS beam loading for acceleration Options include: SPS Q22 optics; new 1 MV SPS 80 MHz capture system; additional 750 kV of 200 MHz in PS (and capacity to adiabatically produce 5-6 ns bunches); improved bunch rotation in PS (already 2/3 loss reduction using 2nd 40 MHz cavity in PS); SPS collimation system 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Upgrades beyond baseline?
Wideband feedback system for TMCI or ecloud intrabunch instabilities? May help with Q22 as TMCI threshold predicted to be around 2.7e11 per bunch – needs 2017 tests ecloud instabilties to be assessed after LS2 when partial coating and scrubbing effectiveness tested Replacement of all vacuum valves with shielded versions (longitudinal Impedance) Shielded model commercially available, but large number needed in SPS (~65 VVSA+VVSB) Studies on impedance and beam dynamics impact in progress 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Overall Cost to Completion
Systems 2015 CtC [kCHF] 2016 CtC [kCHF] Comments Grand total LIU-SPS 76,801 72,225 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Cost to Completion Variation
WP Description 2015 CtC [kCHF] 2016 CtC [kCHF] Delta [kCHF] Comments LIU-SPS 4 RF systems 29,757 30,474 717 200 MHz HOM damping added LIU-SPS 9 Beam transfer systems 2,854 3,438 584 LSS4 MKE changes added Activities transferred from LIU-IONS 550 Slip stacking RF LL, 100 ns MKP prototype PFL LIU-SPS 10 Vacuum System 3,370 3,833 463 Impedance reduction added LIU-SPS 2 Beam dynamics 76 78 2 LIU-SPS 17 Machine Interlocks 598 LIU-SPS 1 Management 764 735 -29 LIU-SPS 6 Beam instrumentation 6,918 6,844 -74 LIU-SPS 3 Magnets 301 9 -292 No MB measurement bench LIU-SPS 8 Electron cloud mitigation 5,616 4,242 -1,374 Only partial aC coating 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Cost to Completion Variation
WP Description 2015 CtC [kCHF] 2016 CtC [kCHF] Delta [kCHF] Comments LIU-SPS 7 Beam loss control 11,047 9,120 -1,927 No spare TIDVG LIU-SPS 23 Internal Beam Dump 15,500 12,304 -3,196 Cheaper overall concept Total 76,801 72,225 -4,576 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Evolution of EVM Planned Value
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
EVM Metrics 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
EVM Metrics In kCHF Comment Schedule Variance -3,615 BE-BI: mechanical production of spare scanner (pending decision on final location) and purchase of acquisition system for transverse diagnostics still at zero. SV = kCHF. BE-RF. Delays in analog signal crates, slotline kicker fabrication, electronics production; final kicker not linear: reporting by units (WU from Jan-16 to Dec-16); no reporting on the BAF3 infrastructure advancement (CV, EL, RF); design and prototype of hybrid combiners not started; design of LSS3 re-arrangement not started; pre-series and first series for drivers amplifiers not yet delivered; design of power couplers just started; design of coaxial lines just started. SV = -2,400 kCHF. EN-HE: Transport and handling manpower to be deployed mainly at the end of the year (EYETS). SV = -150 kCHF. EN-STI: Delays in material procurement for TCDIs and SBDS dump blocks; spare scrapers not yet started. SV = -230 kCHF. TE-ABT: Additional MKDV kicker and new spare for SBDS fast pulsed magnets at 5% completion only (WU from Jan-16 to Dec-16); SBDS civil engineering and metal structures still at zero (WU from Jan-16 to Dec-16). SV = -520 kCHF. Cost Variance -2,621 BE-BI: some components for mechanical production of spare scanner and purchase of acquisition system for transverse diagnostics already purchased. CV = -250 kCHF. BE-RF: expenses on BAF3 infrastructure advancement (CV, EL, RF) without reporting; purchase of components without reporting. CV = -2,050 kCHF TE-ABT. SBDS civil engineering and general infrastructure works not reported. CV = kCHF. 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Manpower Courtesy: Sylvie Prodon FTE 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Total Staff 6.9 15.0 28.5 24.5 21.8 27.0 30.9 33.3 45.3 41.1 10.9 285.2 Fellows 1.5 5.9 6.7 6.3 8.3 13.7 10.5 4.1 0.5 68.7 MPA 0.0 1.7 3.6 3.3 1.3 11.4 8.4 22.4 37.0 34.8 31.5 36.6 44.6 43.8 49.4 365.2 Concerns Missing BE/RF manpower Expertise in beam dynamics, e.g. long. Instabilities and impedance, PS-SPS transfer, SPS recommissioning in 2021 Resources for 200 MHz LL upgrade and slip stacking deployment (to be fully operational in 2021) 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Schedule Slide on schedule provided by Julie Coupard Courtesy: Julie Coupard 17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
Summary / Major upcoming milestones
17-19 October 2016 LIU-SPS : Brennan Goddard - TE/ABT
200 MHz Cavity Controller (1/2)
Compatible with frequencies from MHz (ions FT) to MHz Compatible with the full range of synchrotron frequencies Reduction of impedance at fundamental and transient beam loading. A factor 2 improvement is expected, compared to the late nineties implementation. The corresponding gain/bandwidth requirements are being studied Alignment of MHz phase. The compensation of the beam loading in the 200 MHz will be improved, resulting in an expected +- 5 deg MHz) maximum misalignment of the two RF along the batch. Gain/bandwidth requirements being studied Batch per batch longitudinal blow-up. Transition time 225 ns, equal to the p-LHC batch spacing. Given the 640 ns cavity filling time (4-sections) the required RF power must be studied Longitudinal damper, dipole (and quadrupole modes) usable over the full frequency and fs range (p LHC, p FT, ions) and with FM modulated RF (fixed frequency acceleration) Settings driven by functions (ppm) so that they can be varied during the cycle
200 MHz Cavity Controller (2/2)
Operation in amplitude modulation mode (LHC p beams, ions FT, ions LHC) to save on CW RF power. Modulation at up to 4 frev (ions FT) Individual Master RF for each cavity, or at least two groups (for slip stacking of LHC ions) Fast voltage modulation (<1 microsecond response time): voltage reduction at injection – LHC p and CNGS beams, non-adiabatic voltage jump at flat top for bunch rotation – LHC p, ions, AWAKE. For the voltage reduction at injection, the fall-time must be below 225 ns (batch spacing) Fast phase modulation (<1 microsecond response time): jump on the unstable phase for bunch rotation (proton FT beam, AWAKE), batch per batch longitudinal blow-up at injection. For the later, the transition-time must be below 225 ns (batch spacing) Fast frequency change (<1 microsecond response time): non-adiabatic locking of cavity on a common reference frequency at the end of the slip stacking process (LHC ions) Compatibility with Fixed Frequency Acceleration: FM modulation during 1 turn (ions LHC, ions FT).
800 MHz Cavity Controller Compatible with frequencies from MHz (4 x MHz = first zero of 4-sections cavity) to MHz (4 x MHz ) Compatible with the full range of synchrotron frequencies Reduction of impedance at fundamental and transient beam loading compensation Alignment of MHz phase, resulting in an expected +- 5 deg MHz) maximum misalignment of the two RF along the batch. Required gain/bandwidth being studied Longitudinal blow-up, batch per batch, with transition time below 225 ns (RF power plant allowing) Extended range of frequencies i.e. usable for ions for longitudinal blow-up without Frequency Modulation. Goal: equalization of batches before start ramp Fast voltage modulation (<1 microsecond response time): voltage reduction at injection – LHC p beams, non-adiabatic voltage jump at flat top for bunch rotation – Awake beam Fast phase modulation (<1 microsecond response time): jump on the unstable phase for bunch rotation – Awake and p-LHC beams Settings driven by functions (PPM) so that they can be varied during the cycle.
Beam Control: Master RF
At present, we have only one Master RF per beam, but we have several different VCO/DDS, depending on the required frequency range and needed RF manipulations (fixed frequency acceleration for ions) The new LLRF requirements imply One Master RF per cavity (or at least per group of cavities) if we wish to operate them at different frequencies (slip stacking). At the end of the slip stacking process, the RF frequencies must return to the same common value in a fraction of a synchrotron period. This fast and precise reaction is incompatible with a Phase-Locked Loop implementation (as used in the LHC asymmetric collisions p-Pb for adiabatic cogging of the p and Pb rings), but could be implemented by a DDS (similar to the FM modulation in SPS ions fixed frequency acceleration) Improvement on RF noise (ions beams). This was traced to the Master DDS module that is being upgraded.
Beam Control: Phase Loop
The phase loop is operational for all beams. It damps common-mode synchrotron oscillations and reduces the effect of RF noise on the first synchrotron sidebands, thereby improving beam lifetime The requirements are Compatible with bunch spacing multiples of 5 ns Compatible with bunch intensity from 2E7 (ions FT after debunching-recapture) to 4E11 p per bunch Compatible with 1 to 80 bunches per batch Individual bunch-by-bunch measurement “Averaging” over the selected bunches One phase loop per group of cavities (slip stacking) with possibility to select the RF voltage measurement as sum of a number of cavities Linear phase discriminator with 360 degrees range (ions, awake). Given the very wide range of bunch intensities (4 decades), it may be appropriate to have parallel systems.
Beam Control: Radial Loop
The radial loop is needed to cross transition (proton Fixed Target, ions LHC,…). It will keep the beam centred, even in presence of inaccuracy in the frequency program calculation. The requirements are Compatible with bunch spacing multiples of 5 ns Compatible with bunch intensity from 2E7 to 3E11 p per bunch Compatible with 1 to 80 bunches per batch Individual bunch-by-bunch measurement. Synergy possible with Transverse Damper front-end “Averaging” over the concerned bunches. Given the very wide range of bunch intensities (4 decades), it may be appropriate to have parallel systems An upgrade of the Radial Loop is not required to implement ions slip-stacking, but is motivated by the obsolescence of the equipment (original SPS equipment dating from the 1970s).
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