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Health Review Activity

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1 Health Review Activity
Challenge Yourself and Test Your Knowledge of this Trimester’s Learning!

2 The unit of heat that measures the energy available in food is called?

3 What do we need to do to get the nutrients we need to be healthy?
Answer: Eat a variety of foods

4 What is the nutrient used to repair cells?
Answer: Protein

5 Starches and sugars found in food are called?
Answer: Carbohydrates

6 What are the biggest influencers of food choice?
Answer: Things like media, culture, convenience, appetite

7 The emotional desire for certain foods or for tastes is known as?
Answer: Appetite

8 The body needs this to carry out its normal functions.
Answer: Nutrients

9 What is THE most essential and important nutrient?
Answer: water

10 Things to Know: Be able to recognize healthy, balanced meals (Think MY PLATE) The Respiratory System exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide.

11 How many minutes of physical activity should Teens get every day?
Answer: 60 minutes

12 Is getting a tan damaging to your skin? Explain your answer.
Answer: True…melanin is damaged in the top layer of the skin/dermis

13 If you make your wants or needs known in a positive active manner, you are being…

14 Describe what good character is:
Answer: A behavior that you learn and also practice.

15 List all the parts of the respiratory system you remember:
Nose Mouth Trachea Lungs Bronchi Diaphragm

16 Tell what happens to the lungs when your diaphragm moves downward
Answer: Lungs will expand and fill with air.

17 Define and give examples of INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES:
Answer: Involuntary muscles are smooth muscles that include CARDIAC/HEART, ESOPHAGUS, etc…muscles that we cannot control!

18 Answer: Bones, Joints, Tendons, Cranium, Radius, Ulna
List all the parts of the skeletal system that you can remember…think “Mr. Bones” Answer: Bones, Joints, Tendons, Cranium, Radius, Ulna

19 Describe in detail the kind of damage that smoking does to the lungs:
Answer: Tar will interfere with the lungs ‘ ability to supply oxygen to the whole body Carbon Monoxide will destroy alveoli sacs in the lungs The lungs are unable to clean themselves normally. Blackens the lungs;

20 What is the addictive drug found in tobacco cigarettes?
Answer: Nicotine

21 What are some short term effects of using tobacco products?
Answer: (Name at least four) Bad breath Craving for Nicotine Heart rate increases

22 What are some really harmful effects that smoking causes smokers and passive smokers?
Answer: Emphysema Cancer (lung) Heart Disease Mouth Cancer

23 Name the 3 sides/components of the Health Triangle and then give a way for each one a way to keep it healthy. Component: Social Physical Mental/Emotional Healthy Habit: -Getting out with friends -Getting involved in clubs/sports -Being involved in sports -60 minutes a day of exercise -Talk about your feelings and thoughts with someone you trust. -Look for positive relationships

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