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Welcome to 7th Grade Accelerated Math!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 7th Grade Accelerated Math!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 7th Grade Accelerated Math!
Miss Ohlman

2 Textbook Information Texas Go Math!, Grade 8 (green comsumable book)
Online students can view tutorials, receive homework help, and complete interactive quizzes. QR codes throughout the textbook take the students to helpful videos/ tutorials over lessons.

3 Calculator Students in 7th Accelerated Math will be using the TI-84 plus calculator for some units: - When they are tested over the 8th Grade Pre-Algebra TEKS they will use the calculator -When they are tested over the 7th Grade TEKS they will not be allowed to use the calculator -They will not use the calculator on their STAAR test Each student has access to a calculator in class Purchasing the calculator is not mandatory; however, it is recommended. They will be using this calculator throughout the year, in algebra 1 next year, and in high school.

4 Student Responsibilities
Come prepared to class!! INB (Interactive notebook) Pencil Folder with pockets or a binder (something to keep homework assignments in and all papers handed to them) Colors, glue or tape, scissors, pens, sticky notes Textbook Completed Homework Study for tests Review notes/foldables Review quizzes Rework problems Attending tutoring if necessary (Tuesday mornings & Thursday afternoons)

5 Practice and Assessment
Homework Given often Homework grades are averaged together on a weekly basis Quizzes Check for understanding Count as a double daily grade Tests/projects Notice is given in advance via the board, my website, and verbally Count as a major grade Grading Guidelines Major 60% (at least 3) / daily 40% (at least 9)

6 Parent Checklist Sign up -Sign up for updates on my teacher web page -From the CPJH website click on the “About Us” tab, then choose “Staff Directory.” Click on my name and hit “Subscribe.” Check -Please check weekly for paper/ pencils/ other supplies -Check the Gradebook Home Access for your child’s grades

7 Creekside Park Junior High ON THE RISE!!
Miss Ohlman’s Contact Information Phone: ext. 4915 Tutoring Days -Tuesday Morning (7:15-7:45) -Thursday Afternoon (3:05-3:35)

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