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State Budget Connections to Career Tech

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1 State Budget Connections to Career Tech
Aaron Rausch, Director Office of Budget and School Funding • July 2017

2 Education and the State Budget
7/11/2016 Education and the State Budget *Legislative Service Commission summary from H.B. 49 of the 132st General Assembly

3 Foundation Program Centered on needs of students
Funds distributed based on district characteristics Largest part of ODE’s budget

4 Funding Formula Elements Traditional Districts
7/11/2016 Funding Formula Elements Traditional Districts Opportunity Grant Economically Disadvantaged Transportation Targeted Assistance Limited English Proficiency Special Education K-3 Literacy Gifted Education Career-Technical Education Capacity Aid Third Grade Reading Bonus Graduation Bonus

5 Foundation Formula – FY17
7/11/2016 Foundation Formula – FY17 *FY17 June #2 Payment

6 Funding Formula Elements JVSD
7/11/2016 Funding Formula Elements JVSD Opportunity Grant Economically Disadvantaged Transportation Targeted Assistance Limited English Proficiency Special Education K-3 Literacy Gifted Education Career-Technical Education Capacity Aid Third Grade Reading Bonus Graduation Bonus

7 Foundation Formula – FY17 JVSD
7/11/2016 Foundation Formula – FY17 JVSD *FY17 June Payment

8 Opportunity Grant Per Pupil Funding Increase
Increase to $6,010 in FY2018 Increase to $6,020 in FY2019

9 4/20/2016 Formula Changes Transportation – Minimum state share index reduced from 50% in FY17 to 37.5% in FY18 to 25% in FY19. Increases funding for capacity aid (Funding based on value of 1 mill of property tax compared to state median).

10 Career Technical Education
No changes in per pupil amounts from FY17. Supplemental CTE funding for five categories Lead district receives $245 for associated services for each CTE FTE

11 Career Technical Education
Category Career Fields Amount 1 Agricultural & environmental systems, construction technologies, engineering & science technologies, finance, health science, information technology, manufacturing technologies $5,192 2 Business & administration, hospitality & tourism, human services, law & public safety, transportation systems, arts &communications $4,921

12 Career Technical Education
Category Career Fields Amount 3 Career based intervention $1,795 4 Education & training, marketing, workforce development academics, public administration, career development $1,525 5 Family and consumer sciences (which includes students enrolled in GRADs) $1,308

13 Transitional Aid Guarantee 100% of FY17 State Aid
7/4/2018 Transitional Aid Guarantee 100% of FY17 State Aid Districts with more than a 5% decline in Total ADM between FY14-16 are subject to an adjusted guarantee no less than 95% Example: District with 7.5% ADM loss guaranteed funding 97.5% of FY17 State Aid

14 7/4/2018 Gain Cap Funding increases are limited to 3% in each fiscal year, unless a district has experienced increasing enrollment. Maximum growth of 5.5% in FY18 and 6% in FY19. Example: District with 4.1% ADM growth can see up to 4.1% increases in funding each year.

15 7/4/2018 Career Tech Funding Career Technical Education Funding continues outside of both the cap and the guarantee. A secondary guarantee established for career tech funding at traditional districts. Guarantee = FY17 career-tech funding.

16 What factors influence if a specific district will see increased or decreased aid?

17 What factors influence district aid?
Student Population and Demographics Property Valuation Income Historical Funding – Caps and Guarantees

18 Tangible Personal Property Reimbursement Phase-Out
SB 208 phases out reimbursement based on 5/8th mill in FY18/FY19 TPP Supplement Ends FY18 - $207.3M FY19 - $165.2M

19 Total School Funding $8.08 billion $76.8 million increase 1.0%
1.1% FY18 FY19

20 7/11/2016 Questions?


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