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Poster Directions The purpose of the poster is to showcase your favorite game you wrote this week. Choose your favorite game. Use blank notebook paper.

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Presentation on theme: "Poster Directions The purpose of the poster is to showcase your favorite game you wrote this week. Choose your favorite game. Use blank notebook paper."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poster Directions The purpose of the poster is to showcase your favorite game you wrote this week. Choose your favorite game. Use blank notebook paper. You will design your poster on this. On notebook paper Name of favorite game Your name Purpose of the game List the sprites used in the game. Draw a representation of each sprite List the sounds used in the game What commands did you use? Control? Motion? Looks? Variables? Sensing? Can you win or lose the game? How is this accomplished? Draw a scene (or screen) from your game When finished, raise your hand. When your work is approved by a student assistant, you will be given poster paper to draw you poster. One sheet of poster paper per camper, so be careful and precise!!!!

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