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Chapter 12 Respiratory System.

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1 Chapter 12 Respiratory System

2 Oxygen Delivery: A Cooperative Effort
Respiratory & cardiovascular system work together Respiratory system: Cardiovascular system:

3 Overview of the respiratory system

4 Structure & Function of the Lungs
Divided into several segments called: Left lung has: Right lung has: These segments are made up of smaller units called:

5 Structure & Function of the Lungs
Consists of a system of tubes that conduct air into and out of the lungs Bronchi: Bronchioles: Terminal bronchioles: Respiratory bronchioles: Lead to alveolar ducts and sacs which contain multiple alveoli

6 The Lower Respiratory Tract
Larynx Trachea Left bronchus Right bronchus Bronchioles Clusters of alveoli Figure 10.3

7 Structure & Function of the Lungs
Alveoli: Small air space bounded by a thin epithelial wall called: Alveoli are surrounded by pulmonary capillaries These conditions promote: Some cells is the septum produce a lipid material called: This material

8 Structure & Function of the Lungs
Fig B

9 Respiration Two functions of respiration: Ventilation: Includes:
Inspiration: Expiration: Gas Exchange: Gases diffuse between blood, tissues, and pulmonary alveoli due to: Alveolar air Blood (Pulmonary capillaries) ↑ P mmHg P02 20 mmHg ↓ PC02 35 mmHg PC02 60 mmHg

10 Respiratory Cycle Figure 10.9

11 Pleural Cavity Pleura: Pleural cavity: Intrapleural pressure:
Normally less than the pressure within the lungs (intrapulmonary pressure) This holds the lungs: Referred as “negative pressure” or subatmospheric because it is less than atmospheric pressure

12 Pneumothorax Loss of negative intrapleural pressure which leads to:
Causes: Lung injury or pulmonary disease that allows: Stab wound or penetrating injury to chest wall that permits: Sometimes occurs without any apparent cause & is called: spontaneous pneumothorax Occurs in: tall, white, males

13 Pneumothorax Tension pneumothorax (A.K.A. sucking chest wound)
Development of: With inspiration intrapleural pressure: Air flows: With expiration intrapleural pressure: Hole is plugged by tissue & air is: Pressure builds up in pleural cavity causing:

14 Pneumothorax Manifestations Chest pain Shortness of breath
Reduced breath sounds on affected side Chest x-ray: lung collapse + air in pleural cavity

15 Pneumothorax Treatment:
Chest tube inserted into pleural cavity; left in place until tear in lung heals Prevents: Usually has a one way valve only allowing air to leave during expiration Aids re-expansion of lung

16 Pneumothorax

17 Atelectasis Collapse of all or part of a lung Two types:
Obstructive atelectasis Compression atelectasis

18 Atelectasis Obstructive atelectasis:
Complete blockage of a bronchus by: Air is absorbed from the blocked section of lung leading to: If obstruction is relieved: Can sometimes develop as a postoperative complication Coughing and breathing are decreased Mucous accumulates To prevent this patients are encourage to breath deeply & cough

19 Atelectasis Compression atelectasis: Results when: This prevents:

20 Pneumonia Inflammation of the lung
Exudate spreads through the lung and fills the: Affected portion of lung becomes relatively solid which is referred to as: Can be classified in three ways: Etiology Anatomic distribution of inflammation Predisposing factors

21 Pneumonia Etiology: Anatomic distribution of inflammation
Most important because: Anatomic distribution of inflammation Predisposing factors

22 Pneumonia Symptoms: Treatment: Bacterial: Viral:

23 Pneumonia

24 Tuberculosis Special type of pneumonia caused by the bacterium:
Acquired by: Primary infection is walled off with a central region of necrotic cells which is called:

25 Tuberculosis Infection usually stopped and granulomas heal with scarring Symptoms usually caused: Infection can be reactivated: Diagnosis Skin test (Mantoux) Chest x-ray Sputum culture Treatment: With antibiotics & chemotherapeutic agents

26 Tuberculosis

27 Tuberculosis Rare types of tuberculosis Miliary tuberculosis:
Develops if tuberculous infection erodes into a large blood vessel: Extra pulmonary tuberculosis: Infection develops in other location of the body such as:

28 Bronchitis & Bronchiectasis
Acute bronchitis Inflammation of lining of: Commonly follows: Chronic bronchitis Results from: Caused by: Severe inflammation causing weakening & dilation of the bronchial wall is called: Leads to:

29 Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
Pulmonary disease caused primarily by chronic irritation due to smoking It is a combination of chronic bronchitis & emphysema Emphysema COPD is characterized by the following anatomic changes

30 Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
Effects: Individuals need to generate more pressure to breath out:

31 Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
COPD Symptomatic treatment: Bronchodilators Mucolytics Cough suppressants Inhalers Avoidance of contact with people with URIs

32 Bronchial Asthma Treat with: Muscular spasms in the walls of:
Increased secretions by the: Person may exibit: Cause: Usually: Can be: Treat with:


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