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Published byCorey Miller Modified over 6 years ago
The day after LHC Plans and prospects for future accelerators
F. Bedeschi Rencontres de Physique La Thuile, March 2017 QUESTIONS How will HEP be the day after HL-LHC? Do we know where we are going? Do we need new accelerators? What is on the table? What could we build? Now, later, far future?
Old and new machines Future in EU and Asia In addition:
Electron-hadron colliders Muon colllider JLEIC LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
LHC Great Success SM! (1)
Higgs discovered! Couplings ~ SM Quantum numbers ~ SM arXiv: LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
LHC Great Success SM! (2)
Also indirect measur. sensitive to radiative corrections Mtop, Mw, MH Br (Bmm) Stronger constraints on new physics LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
However ...New physics? ... Not yet
LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
However ..... G. Giudice, FCC meeting, Rome 2016 LaThuile, March 2017
F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Hints? (....weak) Di-photons 2016? Flavor: Atlas: 3.6/1.8 s
CMS: 2.9/>1 s Flavor: LHCb ~3.5 s : BdK*0mm Bsfmm R(D) ~3.9 s LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Directions? “Confusion is the best moment in science”
G. Giudice: FCC week, Rome, April 2016 the discussion of the future in HEP must start from the understanding that there is no experiment/facility, proposed or conceivable, in the lab or in space, accelerator or non-accelerator driven, which can guarantee discoveries beyond the SM, and answers to the big questions of the field: M. Mangano: 98° ECFA meeting, Nov. 2015 LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Directions? Proposed criteria to evaluate future facilities (MLM):
Guaranteed deliverables Exploration potential Target broad well justified BSM scenarios Potential to provide conclusive answers to relevant broad questions Additional practical criteria apply When will the technology needed to build it be available? Are the expected construction and operation costs acceptable? LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Guaranteed deliverables
Detailed study of Higgs boson Higgs is VERY special Beyond HL-LHC precision Extreme precision physics EWK sector Heavy Flavor sector LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Higgs couplings Deviation from SM: d ~ v2/M2 v = 246 GeV CepC pre-CDR
M scale of new physics M ~ 1 – 10 TeV d ~ 6 – 0.06% Need < ~ % sensitivity beyond HL-LHC CepC pre-CDR LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Higgs couplings 50 km version M. Klute LCWS 2015 LaThuile, March 2017
F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Riunione Direttori, Roma - giugno 2015
F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Precision in EFT Constrain Wilson coefficients/mass scale due to new physics with precise EWK/flavor measurements John Ellis & Tevong You, arXiv: LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Exploration potential
Search reach scaled for HL-LHC (2-3 TeV for SUSY) McCullough, FCC meeting Rome, 2016 SUSY LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Conclusive answers? Dark matter (simplified models)
100 TeV pp could cover all parameter space allowed by cosmological bounds M. McCullough, FCC week 2016 LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
The need Summary (assuming we build everything):
Detailed Higgs studies and precision physics are guaranteed deliverables Guidelines for new theories Exploration potential could be expanded from 2-3 TeV up to TeV Dark matter could be very seriously constrained Esclude new physics at the TeV scale Even if new physics hints are found, HL-LHC most likely not sufficient to fully explore the resulting new physics scenarios LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Build what? Not yet demonstrated Could build now ... almost
ILC/CepC/FCC-ee LHeC Need more R&D HE-LHC, FCC-hh/SppC CLIC Not yet demonstrated PWFA = «Plasma WakeField Acceleration» Muon collider Potential extensions ILC/CLIC PWFA CepC/FCC-ee/LHeC Muon collider LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Machines with known technology
ILC: linear e+e- collider SC Linac 500 GeV (1 TeV) Detailed TDR/Engineering Site chosen/Review by MEXT Govnmt negotiation 2-3 yr In progress: cost reduction and staging LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Machines with known technology
FCC-ee: circular e+e- collider ~100 km tunnel 350 GeV CDR by 2018 Beam 2035? CepC: circular e+e- collider 100 km tunnel GeV Pre-CDR finished CDR by 2017 Beam ? Estimated cost 36B CNY ~ 5B € R. Manqi, FCC physics, CERN 2017 LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
e+e- luminosity comparison
Planning for extreme luminosities! CepC FCC Reference: LEP1: 3.4x1031 LEP2: 1x1032 Power OK 100xLEP2 FCC-ee estimate S. Claudet - CERN Procurement Strategy 3rd Energy Workshop October 2015 LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Machines needing R&D HE-LHC/FCC-hh/SppC: Need high field Nb3Sn magnets
Share tunnels with LHC, FCC-ee, CepC Need high field Nb3Sn magnets 8 T (LHC) 16 T 20 T with HTS Conductor Complex construction Courtesy of Gijs de Rijk, FCC week, Rome 2016 HL-LHC specs FCC-hh specs LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Magnet R&D CERN plan for FCC magnets FCC-hh schedule
1° 16 T prototype by mid 2020’s Complete production 2030 FCC-hh schedule LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Machines needing R&D CLIC: Linear e+e- collider Challenges:
380 GeV 3 TeV Room temp. Linac GHz KlystronsDrive beam Challenges: RF breakdown RF power transfer 600 3 TeV Final focus Beamstrahlung Alignment LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
LPA/PWFA Plasma acceleration R&D: Linear colliders Many GeV/m !
Laser driven (LPA) Particle driven (PWFA) Significant progress: Positron Multistage Linear colliders > 10 TeV E. Adli et al., IPAC 2014 Nature 530, 190–193 (11 February 2016) doi: /nature16525 Nature 524, 442–445 (27 August 2015) doi: /nature14890 LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Muon colliders Circular m+m- collider Two approaches: Challenges:
125 GeV10 TeV No beamstrahlung Low power Two approaches: Proton prod. Positron prod. Challenges: Cooling Targets Backgrounds LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Scaling lepton machines to high energy
Muons Circular Linear Muons JP.Delahaye JP.Delahaye LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Comments Hard to stretch HL-LHC much beyond 2035
Then FCC-ee or hh? Magnets/money Time gap? How long? Potential time fillers: HE-LHC Down time to replace magnets, expensive, disposal of LHC LHeC Enough interest? What could start construction in mid ’20s? ILC/CepC Could be operational by early/mid ’30s Could complement each other Lumi: CepC/Energy: ILC LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Decision times ILC: FCC: CepC: Japan MEXT review completed (2015)
Governament negotiations for 2-3 years FCC: CDR by 2018 – to be discussed at the next European strategy update ( ) CepC: Pre-CDR done (2015) Machine CDR by end of 2017 Detector CDR by end of 2017 LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Conclusions State of HEP is complex
Many new results do not yet indicate a clear way However a straightforward path appears An e+e- collider is the most likely next step Clear physics goals Well established technology Expandable Costs are high, but manageable (comparable to LHC) Which one? We’ll know in the next few years Given enough time many other options could be feasible 100 TeV pp, multi TeV ee or mm colliders The day after LHC could be a great new start! Let’s be bold and follow new roads LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Additional Slides LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
ZH in e+e- simulations LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Muon collider on Higgs energy
S/N not optimal sH ~ 5-15 pb Z+Zg ~ 300 pb LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
Courtesy of G. Ortona Lake Louise 2017 LaThuile, March 2017
F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
G. Trubnikov, ICHEP2016 LaThuile, March 2017 F. Bedeschi, INFN-Pisa
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