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Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism Sikism Buddism

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism Sikism Buddism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism Sikism Buddism
Faiths in Wirral Christianity Judaism Islam Hinduism Sikism Buddism In Wirral there are people who follow different faiths or religions. A faith or religion is a set of beliefs that groups of people follow and these beliefs help them to live their lives in a certain way.

2 Similarities between Faiths
Symbols of faith Places of Worship Holy books Beliefs Although there are differences between the faiths there are many similarities too

3 Chrisitianity

4 Islam

5 Sikhism

6 Judaism

7 Hindusim

8 Buddism

9 Please continue to bless our
Our School Prayer Dear God Thank you for our school community at Greenleas. Please help us to follow our school values of friendship , perseverance , cooperation , honesty , responsibility and respect. Forgive us when we fall short and help us to try again and not give up. Please continue to bless our community. Amen

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