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Includes bones, cartilage, and joints

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1 Includes bones, cartilage, and joints
The SKELETAL System Includes bones, cartilage, and joints

2 Functions of the Skeletal System
Support Protection Movement Facilitation Mineral Storage and Homeostasis Storage of energy Hematopoiesis

3 Types of Bone Cells Osteogenic Cells = bone stem cells
Osteoblasts = deposit Ca+ & P & collagen fibers--bone builders Osteocytes = mature bone cells-maintain tissue Osteoclasts = break down bone tissue

4 Bone Growth aka Ossification
Bone formation (Osteogenesis) Replacement of pre-existing connective tissue with bone

5 Intramembraneous ossification
Intramembranous Ossification Membranes ----> Bone (Periosteum - Width-wise Growth)

6 Endochondral ossification
Cartilage ----> Bone Epiphyseal (growth) Plate - Length-wise Growth

7 Compact Bone Structure
Dense & organized Lamellae: layers of bone circular or interstial Osteons (Haversian canals)--contains, vertical canals - blood vessels and circular lamellae with lacunae

8 Compact bone structure
Perforating or Volkman’s Canals - horizontal canals with blood vessels Lacunae: spaces that hold osteocytes Canaliculi: minute canals where osteocytes stretch out FYI: connect to other Lacunae and eventually with Central or Perforating Canals Gives bone strength

9 Spongy bone Spongy Bone (Trabecular Bone) irregular network
thin plates of bone with lots of intercellular space Spaces filled with Red Bone Marrow Responsible for Hematopoiesis

10 Types of Bones Long Bones: Longer than wide, have a shaft, slightly curved –spongy bone on ends Short Bones: cube shaped, near equal in length and width, spongy bone on inside Flat Bones: thin and flat, compact bone outside & spongy bone inside, provide protection

11 Types of Bones Irregular Bones: various shapes
Sesmoid Bones: Embedded in tendons

12 Bone Structure Periosteum – outside membrane
--Fibrous Layer-protection --Osteogenic Layer-stem cells Diaphysis = shaft of a long bone Epiphysis = ends of long bones

13 Bone Structure Medullary Cavity or Canal
Yellow Marrow-in cavity--fat storage Articular (joint) Cartilage (Hyaline Cartilage) Red marrow--blood cell forming tissue Endosteum

14 Fontanels Provide room for rapid brain growth Make childbirth easier
Move during childbirth Used for access to blood sampling and IV’s

15 Intervertebral Disks Made of fibrocartilage
Provide cushioning and shock absorption for vertebrae

16 Sinuses Sinus= cavity or space in a bone, lightens the skull Frontal
Sphenoid Ethmoid Maxillary

17 Female Vs. Male Pelvis Light and thin Wide illium
Pubic arch greater than 90o Wide sciatic notch Pelvic outlet wide Coccyx more moveable Heavy and thick Narrow illium Pubic arch less than 90o Narrow sciatic notch Narrow pelvic outlet Coccyx less moveable and less curved


19 Fibrous Joints Immovable Thin layer of fibrous conective tissue
Sutures Gomphosis

20 Cartilaginous Joints Bones connected by cartilage Slightly moveable
Pubic Symphysis Intervertebral joints

21 Synovial Joints Contain synovial cavity Ligaments Freely moveable
Several different kinds based on degree of motion

22 Supporting structures in synovial joints
Bursa: small sack filled with synovial fluid Meniscus: Pad of cartilage in the knee joint

23 Types of Synovial Joints
Saddle / Ball and Socket Gliding /Hinge Pivot / Condyloid Ligaments


25 Axial vs. Appendicular Appendages Axis of the body Connected to trunk
Shoulder girdle Pelvic girdle Upper limbs Lower limbs Axis of the body Three regions Skull Vertebral column Bony thorax

26 Axial Skeleton Axis of the body--through the midline Three regions
Skull Vertebral column Bony thorax

27 Appendicular Skeleton
Attached to Axial Three regions Pectoral girdle Pelvic Girdle Upper and Lower Extremities


29 Skull Cranial Bones: six external bones and two internal bones
Facial Bones: 14 Facial bones

30 Sutures Immovable joint Saggital: separates parietal bones
Coronal: separates frontal from parietal Lamdoid: separates occipital from parietal Squamous: Separates temporal from parietal

31 Hyoid Bone Does not articulate with any other bones
Tongue muscles attach here Aids in swallowing

32 Vertebral Column Divided into five regions Cervical Thoracic Lumbar
Sacrum Coccyx

33 Vertebral Column Vertebrae can be identified by three criteria:
1. Shape and angle of the spinous process 2. Size of the vertebral body 3. Presence or absence of transverse foramen

34 Bony Thorax Sternum--Manubrium, body and xiphoid process
12 pair of ribs 7 pair of true ribs 5 pair of false ribs 2 pair of floating ribs

35 The Pectoral Girdle attaches the bones of the upper extremities to the axial skeleton Clavicle & scapula

36 Upper extremities

37 The Pelvic girdle (Hip girdle)
attaches the bones of the lower extremities to the axial skeleton Pelvic bone or coxal

38 Lower Extremities

39 Bone Markings Meatus= canal or passageway through bone

40 Bone Markings Foramen= a hole for blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments

41 Bone Markings & Sinuses
Meatus= canal or passageway through bone Sinus= cavity or space in a bone, lightens the skull Frontal Sphenoid Ethmoid Maxillary

42 Fossa A fairly deep pit or depression
Examples include the olecranon fossa of the humerus mandibular fossa of the temporal bone

43 Bone Markings Process = any projection from the surface of a bone EX spinous processes Condyle = “Knuckle” - a large rounded prominence on a bone EX Found in femur

44 Bone Markings cont Trochanter = a large blunt process found only on the femur Tubercle = a small rounded process

45 Bone Markings cont Tuberosity = an elevated, rounded, usually roughened area of a bone Facet = a smooth articular surface

46 Bone Markings Head= proximal end of bone, rounded projection

47 Medial and Lateral Malleolus
Medial malleolus on the tibia Lateral malleolus on the fibula Make the ankle bones

48 Names for thumb and big toe
Thumb: Pollex Big toe: Hallux

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