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Search for exotic baryon resonances in pp collisions at the CERN SPS

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1 Search for exotic baryon resonances in pp collisions at the CERN SPS
Tatjana Šuša for the NA49 Collaboration Ruđer Bošković Institute, Zagreb,Croatia

2 Motivation Chiral soliton model Q+ observed ! (G≤ 15 MeV) ! Q+(1530)
Anti-decuplet of baryons: JP=1/2+ D. Diakonov, V. Petrov, M. Polyakov, Z.Phys. A 359 (1997) 305 Q+ observed ! LEPS, DIANA, CLAS, SAPHIR, HERMES, ITEP (ududs) (G≤ 15 MeV) ! Q+(1530) Models: - Correlated quark model - Topological soliton model - Karliner –Lipkin model …. N(1710) Input S(1890) X5(2070) (dsdsu) (ususd) X5 - - X5 + (G X5 Xp MeV) ~

3 NA49 Experiment VTPC-1 (VTPC-2+MTPC) dE/dx resolution: 3-6 %
dp/p2 = 7 x (0.3) (GeV/c)-1 dE/dx resolution: 3-6 % (sTrig= 28.1 mb)

4 Data Sample p+p at = 17.2 GeV Before vertex cut After Vertex Cut
M M M M M M Total M M Main vertex cuts: 1.) fit converged 2.) x2+y2< 1 cm2 3.) cm < z < cm i.e. within target

5 X5 search X- selection: L Distance to Bethe- Bloch curve:
|dbb| < 3 s |M(pp-) | < GeV Z X- Zmain_vtx > 12 cm X - position at main vertex (bx , by): |bx| < 2 cm |by| < 1 cm p (from X - decay) position at main vertex |by| > 0.5 cm L z x y X - bx by MV

6 V0 and X Invariant Mass Spectra
X- peak 1640 events L peak |M(Lp)-1.321| < GeV X+ peak L peak 551 events

7 Primary pion selection
|dbb| < 1.5 s, dbb .... distance to Bethe-Bloch curve position at main vertex (bx , by): |bx| < 1.0 cm |by| < 0.5 cm # of points > 10 p

8 X- p Invariant Mass Distribution
Structure at 1.86 GeV Candidate for exotic X5 Absolute mass scale correct X(1530)0

9 X+ p Invariant Mass Distribution No clear structures at 1.86 GeV

10 Purify with momentum and asymmetric dE/dx cut
Additional cuts (X-p- ) events Negative tracks e- p- K P large proton and K+ contamination (X-p+ ) events Positive tracks Purify with momentum and asymmetric dE/dx cut

11 Additional cuts cos(q) < 0.997 (q > 4.5) X- X+
Backgrond Signal q: lab. angle between X- and p+ p- X- q X X+ p s < dbb < 1.5s s < dbb < 1.5 s p s < dbb < 1.5s s < dbb < 1.5 s p > 3 GeV/c p > 3 GeV/c insignificant K+ contamination for events with X+

12 Final Xp Invariant Mass Distributions
- + spectra: peak at GeV Antibaryon spectra enhancement at same mass C. Alt et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92

13 Mass and width determination
M = ± GeV/c2 M = 1.864± GeV/c2 M = ± GeV/c2 G≤ 18 MeV/c2

14 Systematics study I Remove resonances:
events with p- K- p p+ 497.6 ±10 769.0 ±60 892.0 ±30 ±10 K+ ±10 ±15 By changing: - mass cuts around X and L - dE/dx cut - number of points cut - bx, by cuts -e.t.c. Peak remains robust !

15 Systematics study II X-p (VENUS + GEANT + REC.)
p: all negative particles p : true negative pions DATA ( X shoulder) No structure at 1.86 GeV

16 Conclusion - - resonance at M = 1.862 ± 0.002 GeV/c2 ( ≤ 18 MeV/c2)
Strong evidence for the existence of a narrow - - resonance at M = ± GeV/c2 ( ≤ 18 MeV/c2) At the same mass a peak is observed in the -+ spectrum The corresponding antibaryon spectra shows enhancement at the same mass Candidates for the X5 baryons !

17 Outlook NA49’ Project (Expression of Interest CERN-SPSC-2003-038)
Open Questions Spin ? Parity? Width ? Production mechanism? NA49 Further improvement of experimental resolution Data sample increase by up to ~ 30% Look at other possible decay channels X5 X(1530) p, X5  LK Look for other pentaquark states NA49’ Project (Expression of Interest CERN-SPSC ) In particular: (3-6) • 107 p+p events (new DAQ system) Neutral pions

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