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Medical Terminology Integumentary System.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Terminology Integumentary System."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Terminology Integumentary System

2 Medical Terminology Combining form Definition hidr/o sweat
hirsut/o (her-suit) hairy lip/o fat myc/o fungus pedicul/o louse/lice rhytid/o(ritted) wrinkle seb/o sebum urtic/o rash granul granular osis abnormal condition

3 Medical Terminology Combining form Definition adip/o fat
albin/o leuk/o white cutane/o dermat/o skin cyan/o blue erythem/o erythr/o red melan/o black onych/o nail scler/o hard xer/o dry

4 Medical Terminology Erthroderma Erthr/o/derma Redness of the skin
Pediculosis Pedicul/osis Abnormal condition with lice Granuloma Granul/oma Tumor or swelling of the granular tissue Keratosis Kerat/osis Abnormal condition of a hard skin growth(usually a wart or callus) Lipoma Lip/oma Fatty tumor

5 Medical Terminology Melanoma Melan/oma Black tumor Blepharoplasty
Surgical repair of the eyelid Dermatologist Dermat/o/logist Specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the skin

6 Medical Terminology Dermatoplasty Dermat/o/plasty
Surgical repair of the skin Folliculitis Follicul/it is Inflammation of the hair follicles Hematoma Hemat/oma Tumor or swelling with blood Lipectomy Lip/ectomy Surgical removal of fat beneath the skin

7 Medical Terminology Lipedema Lip/edema Swelling or accumulation of fat
Lipocytes Lip/o/cytes Fat cells Scleroderma Scler/o/derma Harding of the skin Define verrucae Warts Define Urticaria Hives

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