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Plant Identification Section 1 & 2

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1 Plant Identification Section 1 & 2
Auburn University Horticulture

2 Acer palmatum COMMON NAME: Japanese maple
FLOWERS: Small red to purple flowers in spring. Borne in umbels or corymbs. Hard to see unless you look very closely.

3 Japanese Maple FRUIT: Double samara that is small and red. Much smaller than the other maples.

4 Acer palmatum GROWTH HABIT: Grows 15' to 20' tall depending on cultivar. PROBLEM: Does not like hot locations and/or wet feet. These problems cause leaf scorching and twig dieback.

5 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acer rubrum
GROWTH RATE: 1.9'/yr. in our shade tree study. BARK: Smooth on young tree.

6 COMMON NAME: red maple LEAVES: Opposite. 3 lobed mostly with some cultivars and varieties 5 lobed. Red petiole. Terminal lobe widest at the base and serrated to the base. Sometimes undersides of leaves silver.

7 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Acer rubrum
FLOWERS: Red. Small. Blooms before leaves come out.

8 Red Maple FRUIT: Double samara. Excellent red fall color.
Native to eastern U.S. Will grow from 60' to 80' tall. Lives up to 200 years.

9 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Abelia X grandiflora

10 Abelia X grandiflora FLOWERS: White from May until frost and fragrant.

11 Glossy Abelia LEAVES: Opposite, serrate, and widest below the middle. Purple when new and have a shiny look. Less than 2" long.

12 Betula nigra

13 River Birch

14 Zinnia elegans

15 COMMON NAME: garden zinnia
LEAVES: opposite ovate to elliptic broad base, 11/2" to 4" long and 1" to 2" wide

16 Zinnia elegans FLOWER: up to 6" across single or double
broad and showy colors: rose, apricot, red, white, violet, pale yellow, green, orange

17 Ageratum full sun with afternoon shade (best for zone 7b)

18 Ageratum Ageratum houstonianum
LEAVES: alternate, ovate to triangular, up to 4" long, crenate margin Ageratum houstonianum

19 Ageratum FLOWER: heads to 1/4" across in cymose clusters; excellent blue shades, lavender, pink, or white; no ray flowers

20 Astilbe Low maintenance
LEAVES: ovate- oblong, pinnately compound, doubly serrate, attractive dark green

21 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Astilbe hybrids
Perennial LEAVES: ovate-oblong, pinnately compound, doubly serrate, attractive dark green part shade in south is essential

22 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Begonia semperflorens-cultorum

23 COMMON NAME: Wax begonia
shade to full sun (darker foliage cultivars usually more tolerant of full sun); best appearance for most in part shade, especially from afternoon sun

24 The End of Section #1 1. Japanese Maple 2. Red Maple 3. Glossy Abelia
4. River Birch 5. Zinnia 6. Ageratum 7. Astilbe 8. Wax Begonia 9. Common Camellia 10. Canna

25 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Camellia japonica
State flower of Alabama.

26 Camellia japonica

27 COMMON NAME: Common Camellia
LEAVES: Alternate. Serrated Black gland at the tip of serrations. 3" to 5" long. widest below the middle or in the middle.

28 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Canna x generalis
COMMON NAME: Common Garden Canna

29 Common Garden Canna perennial in zone 8

30 Common Garden Canna 1' to 5' depending on cultivar, erect

31 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Catharanthus roseus

32 Madagascar Periwinkle

33 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Celosia cristata

34 COMMON NAME: Cockscomb

35 Cockscomb FLOWER: crested (resembles a rooster's comb) in red, pink, yellow, orange, generally jewel colors; plume (resembles a feather plume) in similar colors

36 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Coleus X hybridus

37 COMMON NAME: Coleus

38 Coleus full sun to shade moisture essential if in sun
darker leaved cultivars generally more sun tolerant

39 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Gardenia jasminoides
COMMON NAME: cape jasmine, common gardenia LEAVES: Opposite and whorled with entire margins.

40 Dianthus

41 Dianthus

42 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hemerocallis hybrids
over 12,000 cultivars

43 Daylily

44 Daylily

45 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hippeastrum hybrids
COMMON NAME: Amaryllis

46 Amaryllis LEAVES: thick, strap- shaped, about 2" wide and up to 24" long,

47 Amaryllis FLOWER: large, funnel- shaped, may be up to 6 on a stem, with many stems per clump; typically red with white stripes

48 Hosta undula SUN: part to full shade, will have leaf burn in full sun

49 Hosta

50 Hosta, Plantain Lily

51 SCIENTIFIC NAME: Hyacinthus orientalis

52 The End Section 2 1. Madagascar Periwinkle (Vinca) 6. Daylily
2. Celosia (Cockscomb) 3. Coleus 4. Gardenia 5. Dianthus 6. Daylily 7. Amaryllis 8. Hosta 9. Hyacinth 10.

53 Plants Part 1

54 Plants-Part 2

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