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It is called the Iron Age because it was the most commonly used metal.

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Presentation on theme: "It is called the Iron Age because it was the most commonly used metal."— Presentation transcript:

1 It is called the Iron Age because it was the most commonly used metal.

2 Clothing/Tools Made from wool
They were dyed with natural vegetable dyes They could be in the colours of blue, yellow or red Trousers were called Bracae Cloaks were worn on top Ards Iron Sickles

3 Warfare They threw rocks at invaders from on the hillfort
They used axes and swords They hey would stay up in their hillfort so that were safe The iron age ended because of an attack!

4 Houses Round houses were made from wattle and Daub
They had a pointed thatch roof There was a fire in the middle

5 Jobs Farmers Potters Carpenters Metalworkers Warriors

6 Spirituality Priests-Druids Sacrificed animals and sometimes humans
Priests gave offerings to spirits rits


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