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Team Care Exercise HCDE 518 Storyboarding.

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1 Team Care Exercise HCDE 518 Storyboarding

2 export all your keynote slides as separate images…
To put a comic together, it’s best to start by sketching out your story export all your keynote slides as separate images… Once you’ve planned your images, Create an individual slide for each one Then bring the images back into keynote (or Comic life) to crop, mask, position, add outlines and speech bubbles. All the individual elements you’ll need are on the following slides. Right at the back of the deck are examples of the scenes put together to create this very comic. I might add to the library as time goes on depending on how useful it is. So there you have it, pretty much everything you’ll need to create simple UX comics. Go forth an explain stuff with pictures!

3 Element library

4 Devices close up

5 Devices cont & Hands close up (For holding devices)

6 Arms and small devices I’ve not done left/right versions for each arm. just flip horizontally to use one on a different side

7 Bodies

8 Bodies

9 Heads

10 Heads

11 Faces, accessories and emoticons

12 Speech bubble for computers robots etc
Speech bubbles Speech bubble LOUD NOISES! thought bubble Speech bubble for computers robots etc

13 Places - cafe

14 Places - home

15 Places - office

16 Example scenes







23 Meet Julie Julie is a first quarter grad student that is doing her best to adjust to a chaotic life/work balance.

24 Group Activity Directions Divide class into 4 groups
Each class is assigned 1 slide (part) of the story Use the template elements to tell your part of the story (5-10 mins) Share the story and reflect on the process (5 mins) Tip Use “Arrange” → “Order” or right-click → “Order” to move an item into the background or foreground

25 Meet Julie Julie is a first quarter grad student that is doing her best to adjust to a chaotic life/work balance.

26 Julie wakes up late & needs to eat before class

27 2. In class, the teacher reminds everyone the assignment is due at midnight

28 3. Julie is tired at work, stressing about her To-Do list
I have too much to do. And I am tired. 3. Julie is tired at work, stressing about her To-Do list To Do - File files - Print files - blah blah blah - a million other things

29 4. Julie is up late frantically working to submit her homework on time
Shoot! I’m running out of time!

30 More websites: https://www. storyboardthat

31 More websites: https://www. storyboardthat

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