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Election Audit?? What in the world?.

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Presentation on theme: "Election Audit?? What in the world?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Election Audit?? What in the world?

2 Does Idaho do this?

3 What about other states?
29 States require post-election audits

4 Are there different types of audits?
Post-Election Audit Procedural Audit

5 Hand Count Electronic Count Hand and Electronic Count
Post Election Audit Hand Count Electronic Count Hand and Electronic Count

6 What is recounted? Varies widely between states. It could be a percent of precincts or a set number of precincts or tied to votes cast or tied to DRE’s.

7 Surrounding States Washington: 4% of DRE or 1 per Jurisdiction (hand & electronic) Oregon: Depends on victory margin-10% to 3% precincts recounted (hand) Utah: 1% of optical scan voting machines state-wide (hand) Montana: 5% of precincts in each county (hand) Wyoming: None

8 Procedural Audits Accounting & reconciling ballots Review ballot logs
Security and chain-of-custody procedures Notice & time line compliance

9 Why do an audit? Pros: Help avoid a full recount
Increase confidence in results Find programming/equipment errors Cons: Time consuming and added cost Errors blown out of portion with media

10 What is Idaho’s Future?




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