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Parent Device Information Night

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1 Parent Device Information Night
NorthwesterN Middle School

2 Fulton County’s Vision for Personalized Learning
Fulton County Personalized Learning Journey

3 Our NMS Personalized Learning team Trained and PL Plan Created – Summer ‘16 Personalized learning professional development of staff – Fall ‘16 - Present Instructional Coaching – Ed Elements/KSU – Fall ’16 Digital Citizenship lessons – Fall ‘16 Ischool advocates selected and trained – Winter ‘16 Device Selection – Teachers/Parents/Students – voted on by SGC– Winter ‘16 Deployment (March 17th) – Spring ‘16


5 Instructional impact @ NMS
The device is a learning tool and does not replace the teacher in the classroom Teachers will attempt new strategies using the device The teachers will not include activities using devices in their instruction everyday The importance of Utilizing the FCS Device: Devices must be Microsoft compatible Outside devices cannot be supported beyond connecting to Wi-Fi Outside devices will not have access to several Fulton county programs (i.e. solo, testing, etc.) Outside devices would not have access to the County Network outside of school Students with their own devices would have access to office 365 but would have to purchase any local office software

6 What will the students receive?
Students will not receive a device without the device user agreement being signed and returned to the homeroom teacher. Deadline is 3/9/2017 Microsoft Surface 3 (preloaded with office 365) Interactive tablet/Keyboard Charging Brick All items will be labeled with student name, Surface will have FC barcode NMS recommends students have earbuds to use with the device NMS Device Bag will be issued Although the device will be turned in prior to summer break each year, The device will travel with the students during their time here at NMS

7 Devices damaged, lost, or stolen
User agreement includes info on fines for devices and accessories (Device User Agreement) The district does not endorse any particular insurance provider, and each family should carefully verify the services provided by any insurance provider. A company that has been popular with families is the worth ave group (Optional Insurance Information/Application )

8 Deployment/Returning of devices
Receive device/sign-off Authentication of devices Set-up of office 365 and office suite Practice OneNote Practice with OneDrive Class norms Digital citizenship Return Device, power brick, and bag will be returned at the end of the school year and/or upon transferring to a different school Items not returned and/or fines not paid may result in sanctions being taken against a student (i.e. refusal to issue additional materials, withholding of grades, diplomas)

9 Classroom norms Before School During School After school
Devices need to be charged to at least 90% prior to coming to school Devices may not be used on School buses Use discretion when using the device before school to preserve battery power (safe and appropriate use) No food/drinks around devices Device stays in NMS bag when not in use Device stays in teacher’s locked classroom during lunch/recess Device stays in locked PE locker during PE class time Cellphones are no longer in need as a learning device and should be kept out of sight during instructional time Students will be provided with 3 charging tickets to use if they are in need of charging Students will need to keep their device secure in their school locker or in the PE locker during afterschool activities (i.e. basketball)

10 Security Devices will be connected to the Fulton county Wi-Fi during the school day When devices are used at home or off campus, the Wi-Fi is rerouted through the Fulton county network by the use of global protect Create a charging station where you, the parent, can monitor the device No one other than an authorized school official may add or delete applications from the district-issued device Nothing done on district-issued devices is private

11 Support from NMS & Fulton county
NMS device question system (Click HERE to ask us!) Help Kiosk Meti Tech Support NMS WildTech Fulton county IT help desk (open until 6:30) Device FAQ

12 Trouble shooting tip #1 Restart! Restart again if necessary!
Restarting solves most problems

13 Question & Answer session…
General Question Link: O6cAwsCRPR9RZwdIiV_RprOIdXVURTBCTTdDWk1QVVlaODVWSDRXR01PSDBFQy4u Charles Chester, Principal Deana Skimel, Administrative Assistant Mary Deininger, METI Allyson Young, STS Farah Jetha – Informational Technology/Deployment Questions

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