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2 Vascular Plants plants that have tube-like cells in their roots, stems, & leaves that carry water and nutrients Vascular Plants- An adaptation that allows plants to grow very tall Vascular comes from the Latin word “vasculum” which means “vessel”

3 Vascular Plants: 2 Types of Tubes
vascular plants have 2 different types of tube-like structures inside them a) xylem b) phloem each one has a specific function (job) think of tiny a plumbing system Xylem - tube-like cells that carry water & dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves tube-like cells that carry food, which is made in the leaves, to all parts of the plant Phloem-


5 Turn & Talk Time Turn to your elbow partner and talk about what you notice about Phloem and Xylem. How are they alike and different. Together create a way to remember these differences or similarities. Be prepared to share it with the class 10 minute timer

6 L k Xylem & Phloem: Phloem Take another xylem

7 Xylem & Phloem plant.html

8 Seedless Vascular Plants
Characteristics: Have vascular tissue Reproduce by spores Types: FERNS First appeared on earth 400 million years ago Over 12,000 species alive today Popular house plants and used to grow other house plants

9 Seedless Vascular Plants
(Ferns continued) usually grow in moist shady areas typical fern they have adapted to grow in other environments: -aquatic (water) -dry climates -tropical regions FernID/Floating.html water horn fern stem stores the food & water tropical fern

10 Vascular Plants: Seedless (ferns)
4 Parts of a Fern: an underground stem that anchored by the roots rhizoid- roots- anchor the fern Frond- full grown leaves that stand vertically Fiddlehead- tightly coiled new leaves

11 Vascular Plants: Seedless (ferns)
4 Parts of a Fern: roots- rhizoid- Frond- Fiddlehead-

12 Vascular Plants: Seedless (ferns)
The Fern Reproduction reproduce by spores formed on the underside of the leaf the cases that hold the spores look like brown and orange spots botany/ferns.html

13 Seedless Vascular Plants
CLUB MOSSES Very Small Grows in moist woodlands and near streams

14 Seedless Vascular Plants
HORSETAILS Only 30 species alive today Stems are jointed and long, coarse, needle-like Small leaves grow flat against stem

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