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SU VOLUNTEER TRAINING Thinking like a child.

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Presentation on theme: "SU VOLUNTEER TRAINING Thinking like a child."— Presentation transcript:

1 SU VOLUNTEER TRAINING Thinking like a child

2 the zoo Go to Get a new toy Would you rather?

3 Get new shoes Get a new pencil case Would you rather?

4 Be alone Be with others Would you rather?

5 Eat ice cream for dessert
Eat fruit for dessert Eat ice cream for dessert Would you rather?

6 Drink milk Drink juice Would you rather?

7 Group activity brainstorm
Every child needs to be … Valued Every child has … A short attention span 5 Minutes

8 Every child needs to be:
Every child has: Loved Valued Accepted Challenged Given Boundaries Acknowledged A short attention span The ability to learn Unique gifts to share Creativity A lot of energy! Sense of playfulness

9 Group activity part II brainstorm
What is the best way to interact with children based on your list? Example: Children are energetic, so we need to give them room to use their energy. 5 Minutes

10 Discuss What have we discovered from our brainstorming?
Is there anything new? What does this mean for us? Did your perspective change?

11 Ages and stages


13 Small muscle coordination is developing and improving, and girls are ahead of boys at this stage of development 6-7

14 The child is beginning to realize that there may be other valid opinions (than just their own). They are becoming a reasoning person; can think more about the whole group than just about themselves. 8-9

15 This is the age of teasing, nicknames, criticism and increased verbal skills to vent anger. This group has an understanding of fair play and a value system of right and wrong. 8-9

16 There is an intense eagerness to learn and ask lots of questions
There is an intense eagerness to learn and ask lots of questions. At this age they like to repeat stories and activities. 6-7

17 Limited concept of time, they think in the here and now rather than past or future

18 Friend and activities with peers becomes stronger and more important
Friend and activities with peers becomes stronger and more important. This age group would rather hang out together than with the leaders 10-12

19 They are verbal and able to express ideas and feelings in a creative way.

20 Hero worship is strong 10-12

21 The child begins to experience frequently intense feelings.

22 This group have good muscle coordination – but if they have any delays or are slow they show frustration. 8-9

23 Children find it hard to control their behavior, but do have a deep desire for adult approval.

24 Begin to experience unsteady emotions

25 Physical challenges may cause them to tire easily.

26 The “Golden Rule” is a tough concept and it’s important to be first/win! Taking turns isn’t always easy for this group. 6-7

27 Pair and share discuss Why could you play the same game everyday with the youngest group at camp (6-7 year olds)? Why would an activity that forces the group to work as a team be good for a child aged 10? If two 8 year olds are arguing would you be able to help them consider both opinions? What about if it was two 6 year olds?

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