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KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

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1 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

2 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY The Three Most Important Aspects of Speaking DELIVERY DELIVERY (Quote Logue, 121) LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

3 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Four Methods of Delivery LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

4 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY MANUSCRIPT Used When A High Degree Of Accuracy Is Essential LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

5 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY RECITED FROM MEMORY Learn It So Thoroughly That You Can Concentrate On Communicating With Your Audience Used In Only Brief Speeches LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

6 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY IMPROMPTU Little Or No Preparation LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

7 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY 4 Steps To Organization: State The Point You Are Answering State The Point You Wish To Make Support Your Point With Whatever Examples, Statistics, Or Testimony You Have, To Prove Your Point Summarize Your Point LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

8 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY EXTEMPORANEOUS Carefully Prepared & Rehearsed In Advanced Presented From A Set Of Notes, But Exact Wording Chosen At Time Of Delivery LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

9 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY VOICE: VOLUME Adjust Volume To Acoustics Of The Room & Size Of Audience LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

10 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY PITCH Highness or Lowness LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

11 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY RATE Speed Most People Speak At A Rate Of 120 To 150 WPM In The U.S. Most Appropriate Rate Depends Upon: Speaker’s Voice Mood Speaker Wants To Create Audience Occasion LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

12 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY PAUSES To Signal The End Of A Thought Group To Give An Idea Time To “Sink In” To Add A Touch Of Dramatic Impact LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

13 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Under All Circumstances & At All Costs: AVOID VOCALIZED PAUSES LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

14 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY VOCAL VARIETY Modulations in Rate Pitch Volume Timing Variety Is The Spice Of Public Speaking LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

15 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Four Aspects Of NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

16 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY APPEARANCE Listeners Always See A Speaker Before They Hear The Speaker. Dress & Groom Appropriately LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

17 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY BODILY ACTION Avoid Fidgeting, Leaning On The Lectern, Dancing Walk Confidently To The Lectern, Establish Eye Contact, Look Poised (Despite Nervousness) LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

18 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY GESTURES Gestures Should: Not Draw Attention To The Speaker, They Should Draw Attention To The Message Appear Natural & Spontaneous LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

19 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Gestures Should: Clarify & Reinforce The Message Be Appropriate To The Audience & Occasion LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

20 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY EYE CONTACT Audiences Look At A Speaker’s Eyes For Clues About The Speaker’s Truthfulness, Intelligence, & Feelings LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

21 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY EYE CONTACT Captures Audience Attention Helps Establish Speaker’s Credibility Allows Speakers To See & Respond To Feedback LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

22 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Five Steps To Improving Delivery LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

23 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Go Over Your Preparation Outline Aloud Helps A Speaker To Clarify & Revise The Speech LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

24 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Prepare A Speaking Outline Increases Speaker’s Familiarity With Speech LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

25 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Practice Aloud Several Times Using Speaking Outline Aim To Control The Flow Of Ideas LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

26 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Polish & Refine Delivery Practice In Front Of A Mirror Tape Record Your Speech, Then Listen For Errors In Delivery Practice In Front Of A Small Audience Of Family & Friends; Challenge Them To Pick Out Flaws LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

27 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY Give Yourself A Dress Rehearsal Incorporate Every Aspect Of The Speech Delivery, Including Visual Aids LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

28 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor
DELIVERY START EARLY Rome was not built in a day Neither is a good speech LCCC ENG 111 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC Instructor

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