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Word Wall Week Three.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Wall Week Three."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Wall Week Three

2 define (verb)

3 define (verb) To explain the meaning of a word or idea

4 contrast (verb)

5 contrast (verb) To tell how two things are different

6 il-, im-, in-, ir- (prefix)

7 il-, im-, in-, ir-(prefix)

8 il-, im-, in-, ir- (prefix)
not Examples: illegal improper inequality irregular

9 –ing (suffix)

10 –ing (suffix) active verb ending

11 –ing (suffix) active verb ending Examples: Watch---watching
Stay----staying Hop----hopping

12 duc, duct (root word)

13 duc, duct (root word) lead

14 duc, duct (root word) lead Examples: conduct

15 therefore (conjunction)

16 therefore (conjunction)
shows cause and effect

17 therefore (conjunction)
Shows cause and effect Therefore, you must stay in school in order to get a good job.

18 tirade (noun)

19 tirade (noun) a long, angry or violent speech

20 adrift (adverb)

21 adrift (adverb) floating without control; drifting; not anchored

22 raging (adjective)

23 raging (adjective) feeling violently angry

24 snare (verb)

25 snare (verb) to catch by trickery or quickness

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