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Color Printing Techniques

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1 Color Printing Techniques
For LinoCut

2 Before you finish carving----
Make a few prints of the unfinished carved plate. These prints will later be printed on top of with another color (darker) for a two- tone look. Be sure to make a few prints in several light colors in case you like the look because you can’t go back and make more.

3 Hand Tinted Prints Print in a solid color and hand tint with tempera (opaque) or watercolor (transparent). Tempera paint eyes Watercolor over entire image

4 Monotone A single color of ink is evenly applied to the plate with a roller. This technique is great for showing details and not distracting from the careful carving. Even if you intend to do more complicated techniques with color– Make at LEAST one solid color print to check your image/ quality of carving.

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