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Mrs. Lennye Smith Reading

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1 Mrs. Lennye Smith Reading 2010-2011
Prefixes and Suffixes Mrs. Lennye Smith Reading

2 Goals By the end of this PowerPoint, I want you to be able to:
Recall the meaning of several common prefixes Understand how prefixes change word meanings

3 Roots and Affixes If you want to know more about how a machine works, you can take it apart and study the pieces. The same is true for words. Many words are made up of roots (base words with simple meanings) and affixes (word parts that are added to roots to change their meanings.)

4 Number Prefixes These prefixes indicate number value in a word:
Bi-two—bicycle-two wheels Tri-three—triangle—three angles

5 Lesson Prefixes are added to the beginning of words to change a words meaning. Cycle is something you ride. Bicycle is something you ride with two wheels.

6 You try Write a word that uses each prefix, then write a definition for the word: Bi- Tri-

7 Not Prefixes These prefixes indicate the word not:
il—illegal—not legal Im—impossible—not possible In—inactive—not active Ir—irregular—not regular Non—nonsense—no sense Un—unable—not able

8 Now you try--Write a word that uses each prefix, then write a definition for the word:
il— Im— In— Ir— Non— Un—

9 Direction Prefixes: De—lower—descend—move to a lower place
Mid—middle—midway—middle of the way In—in/into—inhale—breath in Im—in/into—import—bring into Re—back—recurve—a backwards bend Sub—under—submarine—underwater Super—above—superimpose—place above

10 Now you try--Write a word that uses each prefix, then write a definition for the word:
Mid— In— Im— Re— Sub— Super—

11 Time Prefixes Fore—ahead of time—forewarn—warn ahead of time
Pre—before—prefix—before the word Re—again—redo—do again

12 Now you try--Write a word that uses each prefix, then write a definition for the word:
Fore— Pre— Re—

13 Behavior Prefixes: Mis—wrongly—misunderstand—wrongly understand
Mis—badly—misbehave—badly behave

14 Now you try--Write a word that uses each prefix, then write a definition for the word:

15 Combining Prefixes: Com—together—compact—packed together
Con—with—contact—communicate with

16 Now you try--Write a word that uses each prefix, then write a definition for the word:
Com— Con—

17 Practice Prefix definition game Prefix definition game 2
Prefixes in context game Making words with prefixes game

18 Assignment You will be quizzed on the prefixes and their meanings so start to study.

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