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of the Revolutionary War

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1 of the Revolutionary War
Famous Virginians of the Revolutionary War

2 George Washington Virginia planter
Commander and Chief of the Continental Army “Father of our Country”

3 George Mason Wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights
Thomas Jefferson modeled the Bill of Rights after the VA Declaration of Rights Father of the Bill of Rights

4 Thomas Jefferson Wrote the Declaration of Independence
“All people are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

5 Patrick Henry Spoke out against England
“Give me liberty or give me death.”

6 James Madison “Father of the Constitution”

7 James Armistead LaFayette
Served in the Continental Army Given his freedom after the Revolutionary War

8 African Americans Many African American slaves fought on the side of the British because they were offered their freedom

9 Review 1. What famous Virginian spoke out against England by saying, “…give me liberty or give me death”? A George Mason B Patrick Henry C George Washington D James Madison

10 Review 1. What famous Virginian spoke out against England by saying, “…give me liberty or give me death”? A George Mason B Patrick Henry C George Washington D James Madison

11 2. The document authored by Thomas Jefferson that states the people should have the authority to govern themselves is the _________ A Virginia Declaration of Rights B Declaration of Independence C Virginia Charters D Constitution of the United States of America

12 2. The document authored by Thomas Jefferson that states the people should have the authority to govern themselves is the _________ A Virginia Declaration of Rights B Declaration of Independence C Virginia Charters D Constitution of the United States of America

13 3. Which Virginian was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army?
A George Mason B Patrick Henry C George Washington D Thomas Jefferson

14 3. Which Virginian was Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army?
A George Mason B Patrick Henry C George Washington D Thomas Jefferson

15 4. Some African people fought for the English because they were promised _________
A homes B freedom C money D clothing

16 4. Some African people fought for the English because they were promised _________
A homes B freedom C money D clothing

17 5. Who provided military leadership by serving as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War? A Thomas Jefferson B Patrick Henry C John Smith D George Washington

18 5. Who provided military leadership by serving as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War? A Thomas Jefferson B Patrick Henry C John Smith D George Washington

19 6. Which slave served in the Continental Army and was given his freedom after the Revolutionary War?
A George Wythe B Nat Turner C John Brown D James Armistead Lafayette

20 6. Which slave served in the Continental Army and was given his freedom after the Revolutionary War?
A George Wythe B Nat Turner C John Brown D James Armistead Lafayette

21 7. “All people are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This quote from the Declaration of Independence was written by _________ A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C King George D James Monroe

22 7. “All people are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” This quote from the Declaration of Independence was written by _________ A Thomas Jefferson B George Washington C King George D James Monroe

23 The End

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