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Low Q tagging and spectroscopy with CLAS12

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1 Low Q tagging and spectroscopy with CLAS12
Raffaella De Vita INFN – Genova for the CLAS Collaboration

2 Photo-production at CLAS
Photo-production experiments represent a large fraction of the physics program at CLAS study of the nucleon resonance spectrum cross section measurements polarization observables with circularly/linearly polarized photons on unpolarized/polarized nucleons vector meson production at large momentum transfer vector meson modification in the nuclear medium hyperon production cascade spectroscopy meson spectroscopy and search for exotics Aggiungere piu’ dettagli sul programma

3 The first CLAS result g p  p j  p K+ K-
E.Anciant et al. PRL (2000) g p  p j  p K+ K- Study of  photoproduction at large momentum transfer POMERON  2- gluons Nucleon wave function Correlations between quarks u-exchange around -tmax

4 Beam asymmetry in p- photoproduction on neutrons
g n  p-p CLAS World data SAID-09 MAID-07 SAID-new PWA D. Sokhan, Thesis Prize 2010

5 CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer
Torus Magnet 6 Superconductive Coils Electromagnetic Calorimeter lead/plastic scintillator, 1296 PMTs Target  start counter e mini-torus Drift Chamber 35,000 cells Cherenkov Counter e/ separation, 256 PMTs Time of Flight Plastic Scintillator, PMTs

6 Hall-B Photon Tagger Maximum photon energy of 5.7 GeV - Wmax  3.4 GeV
Photon beam produced from the primary electron beam via Bremsstrahlung Gold and diamond radiator for In/Coherent Bremsstrahlung Energy coverage: E0 Efficiency ~ 80% Energy Resolution ~ 10-3 Timing Resolution ~100 ps Maximum photon energy of 5.7 GeV - Wmax  3.4 GeV Beam intensity 107 g/s

7 Hall B at 12 GeV Options for Eg>6 GeV?
The existing PHOTON TAGGER will be available for energies up to Eg~6.1 GeV Options for Eg>6 GeV?

8 Why Photoproduction at 12 GeV?
A tagged photon beam in CLAS12 will open new possibilities for high quality physics beyond the already approved program: Meson spectroscopy Spectroscopy on H target and search for exotics Spectroscopy on 4He and other gas targets Baryon spectroscopy Heavy mass baryon resonances (Cascades and W-) Hyperon production φ radiative decays Baryon/meson radiative decays J/ψ production close to threshold and on nuclear targets Time-like Compton scattering Large -t physics

9 Hybrids and Exotics Hybrids (qqg) are the ideal system to study qq interaction and the role of gluons The existence is not prohibited by QCD but not yet firmly established. A possibility to identify unambiguously a meson as an hybrid state is to look for exotic quantum numbers Normal mesons (qq) are classified according to their JPC where P=(-1)L+1 C=(-1)L+S S1 S2 L JPC=  (π,K,η,η’) 1--  (ρ,K*,ω,Φ) 1+-  (b1,K1,h1,h1’) ... Some combinations of JPC are not allowed for conventional qq systems but can exist for “unconventional” states as hybrids Normal meson: flux tube in ground state m=0, PC=(-1)S+1 q Hybrid meson: flux tube in excited state m=1, PC=(-1)S q Excitation of the flux tube leads to a new spectrum of hadrons that can have exotic quantum numbers JPC = 0+- , 1-+ , Lattice QCD calculations predict masses around 2 GeV, a range that can be explored at JLab

10 Search for Exotics in Photoproduction
Signals for exotic hybrids have been reported by various experiments but evidence is not yet fully convincing: more data are needed and experiments with different production modes (different probes) are crucial Photoproduction: exotic JPC are more likely produced by S=1 probe Pion Beam Quark spins anti-aligned JPC = 1-- , 1++ Quark spins already aligned JPC = 0+- , 1-+ , 2+- Photon Beam A. Szczepaniak and M. Swat, Phys. Lett. B516 (2001) 72 regular Eg = 5GeV X = a2 Exotic Eg = 8GeV X = p1(1600) Production rate for exotics is expected to be comparable to regular mesons Few data (so far) but expected similar production rate as regular mesons

11 Search for the p1(1600) gpp+p+p-(n) CLAS-g6C PWA in CLAS is feasible!
Possible evidence of exotic meson p1(1600) in pp®(3p)-p (E852-Brookhaven) Not confirmed in a re-analysis of a higher statistic sample New evidence recently reported by Compass CLAS-g6C a2(1320) Clear evidence of non-exotic 2++ state a2(1320) No-evidence of exotic 1-+ state p1(1600) PWA in CLAS is feasible!

12 New High Statistics Photon run: g12
Search for new forms of hadronic matter in photoproduction on the proton Data taking completed in 2008 Photon Energy up to 5.5 GeV More than 26 billion triggers (2-prong + 3-prong) Total Luminosity: 68 pb-1 (~50 pb-1 for E> 4.4 GeV) Data processing completed and physics analysis in progress Several exclusive channels are being analyzed gp  p+p+p-(n) gp  pp+p-h gp  pK+K- (h/p) gp  K+K+ X*- (1530) gp  p+K+K-(n) gp  e+e-p ... Search for exotic mesons Study of strangeonium states Cascade spectroscopy ...

13 a hint of g12... gpp+p+p-n gpp+p-hp gpK+K+X a2(1320) a2(1320)
C. Bookwalter (FSU) D. Schott (FIU) gpp+p+p-n gpp+p-hp a2(1320) a2(1320) a0(980) X (1321) Large statistics for many multiparticle final states Clear peaks for known states are visible in the spectra PWA in progress gpK+K+X X* (1530) J. Goetz (UCLA)

14 EG6: Meson spectroscopy in coherent production on 4He
search for exotics in ph, ph’ final states search for exotics in ph, ph’ final states 6 GeV electron beam on target on high pressure gas target scattered electron at “0” degrees  quasi-real photo-production recoiling nucleus detected in Radial TPC hadronic final state detected in CLAS data taking completed in fall 2009 analysis in progress recoiling nucleus detected in Radial TPC Strongest evidence of JPC=1-+ p1(1400) exotic meson p-p nhp0 in E852-Brookhaven Search for a resonance in P-wave in p0h and p0h’ Known (non-exotic) resonances can be used as a benchmark (e.g. JPC=2++ a2(1232)) g 4He  4Hep0 h g4He  4Hep0 h’ Eliminate s-channel resonance background Simpler PWA: S=I=0 target acts as spin and parity filter for final state mesons Coherent Production on 4He gp  pp+p- Radial TPC with 7atm. He4 Target Solenoid for forward-focusing of Moeller electrons and bending of recoil nucleus in the TPC PbWO4 calorimeter for improved photon acceptance at forward angles Ridurre ad una slide

15 CLAS12 Forward Detector: Central Detector: Proposed upgrades:
- TORUS magnet - Forward SVT tracker HT Cherenkov Counter Drift chamber system LT Cherenkov Counter Forward ToF System Preshower calorimeter E.M. calorimeter (EC) Central Detector: SOLENOID magnet Barrel Silicon Tracker Central Time-of-Flight Proposed upgrades: Micromegas (CD) Neutron detector (CD) RICH detector (FD) Forward Tagger (FD)

16 Photoproduction with CLAS12
The construction of a Low Q Tagging Facility or Forward Tagger has been proposed to continue the spectroscopy program with CLAS12 using quasi-real photoproduction electron scattering at “0” degrees (LowQ, post-target tagging): low-Q2 virtual photon  real photon photons are tagged by detecting the scattered electron quasi-real photons are linearly polarized and the polarization can be determined event by event high luminosity on thin (gas)- targets can exploit CLAS12 PiD capabilities to study final states with strangeness Complementary to GLUEX Coherent Bremsstrahlung photon beam

17 Quasi-Real Photoproduction
Studies at large W (~100 GeV) show a smooth transition between Q2=0 and Q20 Technique used in high energy experiments: Q2 < W2 COMPASS: <1 GeV2 <Q2> ~ 10-1 GeV2 ZEUS: – 0.02 GeV2 <Q2> ~ GeV2 H1: <2 GeV2 Aggiungere un diagramma che spieghi la cinematica

18 Quasi-Real Photoproduction
Analysis of existing CLAS data shows clear peaks associated to known mesons in ep(e’)pp0p0 ep(e’)pp0h f0(980) a0(980) f2(1270) Aggiungere un diagramma che spieghi la cinematica The Technique works!!

19 A Forward Photon Tagger for CLAS12
Electron beam on target, electrons scattered between and 5 deg. are detected Hadronic final state is detected in CLAS12 Effective photon flux for 1035 electron beam luminosity of 5x107 g/s Compatible with the standard CLAS12 equipment Photon detector for leading DVCS experiments Extends the CLAS12 coverage for neutrals down to 2 deg. Forward Electromagnetic Calorimeter High-Threshold Cerenkov Counter Drift Chambers Forward Tagger Central Detector Torus Magnet Preshower Calorimeter Forward Time of Flight

20 Forward Tagger Electron detection via Calorimeter+Tracker+Veto
Electron Detector E’ 0.5-4 GeV n GeV q 2-5 deg Q2 0.007 – 0.3 GeV2 Photon Flux 5 x 107 Le=1035 Rate 20 Le=1035 calorimeter to determine the electron energy with few % accuracy tracker to determine precisely the electron scattering plane and the photon polarization veto to distinguish photons from electrons PbWO4 Calorimeter 424 Crystals Different hardware options: Calorimeter: homogenous crystals (PbW04, LYSO, ..) sampling device (W+Fibers, W+Si, ... Tracker: gems, micromegas, ... Veto: scintillator tiles, ...

21 Kinematics  Electron kinematics: E=0.5-4 GeV q=2-5 deg.
Q2= GeV2 Eg= GeV Photon Polarization: 10-65% (determined on an event-by-event basis)

22 GEANT4 Simulations Visualization of CLAS12 and FT with GEMC

23 Tracking Electron track reconstructed by tracking detectors located between the CD and the FT: Determine impact point on the calorimeter Reduce background by matching information of different detector systems Act as a veto for neutrals Sensitivity to particle momentum due to the j bend in the solenoid field First estimate based on GEANT4 simulations shows that % resolution on momentum and angles can be achieved with 2 tracking planes located in between the CD and FT calorimeter

24 Simulation Studies Acceptance and resolution studies
Determine acceptance for final states of interest Determine resolution for exclusive channel selection and resonance mass reconstruction Test of PWA in CLAS12 Generate events for final state of interest, according to a known a set of amplitudes Project generated events onto CLAS12+FT acceptance and resolution Extract PWA fitting the reconstructed events Parallel tests in progress by JLab/CNU and Genova/Indiana/Edinburgh groups g p  n R(M=1.6 GeV, G=150 MeV)  n p+ p+ p- g p  n p+ p+ p- p0 MX(gp p+p+p-X) COSA è la LINEA BLU????? M(p+p+p-)

25 Partial Wave Analysis The development of robust PWA techniques is a crucial step for the successful completion of the meson spectroscopy program Advancements in detectors, beams and experimental techniques in the last years are leading to high-precision, high-statistics data sets Are the presently available PWA tools adequate for the new data that are and will be produced? Workshop on Hadron Spectroscopy INT - Seattle, November Organizers: M. Battaglieri, C. Munoz Camacho, RDV, J. Miller, A.P. Szczepaniak ~ 40 participants from the theoretical and experimental community address open issues in experimental techniques, partial wave analysis, and theoretical interpretation interest from the theory community to work with experimentalists to develop more sophisticated analysis approaches, going beyond the isobar model white paper being written Workshop on Amplitude Analysis in Hadron Spectroscopy ECT* - Trento, January Organizers: C. Hanhart, M. Pennington, E. Santopinto, A.P. Szczepaniak (coordinator), U. Wiedner

26 Summary Photo-production experiments at CLAS12 with 10-GeV photons can become a reality with a new Low-Q Tagging Facility Broad physics program using (quasi-)real photon beam with post-target, forward tagging on nucleons and nuclei Complementary technique to the Hall-D coherent Bremsstrahlung beam Forward Tagger will be based on Calorimeter + Tracking + Veto and is being designed as an upgrade of the CLAS12 equipment pTDR in preparation LOI : “Hadron Spectroscopy with Low Q2 electro-scattering in CLAS” LOI : “Production of the Strangest Baryon with CLAS12” approved by PAC35 and full proposal encouraged Full proposal in preparation to be submitted to PAC in 2011 The new facility will add further strength to Jefferson Lab in the field of hadron spectroscopy RIFARLO!!

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