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Please grab a copy of the multiple choice test

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1 Please grab a copy of the multiple choice test
BES 10/12 Please grab a copy of the multiple choice test

2 Tests Back! Multiple Choice (out of 19) Essay (out of 8)
A = 17.1 B = 15.2 C = 13.3 D = 11.4 Retakes for scores of 13 and below- do by next Friday, 10/20! A = 7.2 B = 6.4 C = 5.6 D = 4.8 Retakes of scores of 5 and below!

3 Learning Targets I can describe major geologic changes in earth’s features and how evidence for them. I can hypothesize the traits that unify and divide all living things.

4 Cosmos Wrap-Up Be prepared to:
Give 3 examples of how earth has changed over time and how we know i.e. extra oxygen, Permian extinction, Mediterranean Sea forming, Guadalupe mountains forming, Cambrian explosion, KT event that knocked out dinosaurs, Ice ages

5 Evolutionary Timeline
Tape or glue the key dates into your lab book Add the Cambrian Explosion (545 mya), Permian extinction (250 mya), KT event (65 mya)

6 The Cambrian Explosion
545 mya, the fossil record shows an explosion of life! High oxygen and no predators = evolution and survival of bizarre sea creatures

7 Some Cambrian Animals


9 Last Time… We discovered some of the major evolutionary events on earth, including when life evolved (more to come on that!) This time: What does it even mean to be alive? What do we all have in common?

10 Unity and Diversity You need a partner and 12 different leaves.
Follow the directions on the Unity and Diversity handout. At the end, we will brainstorm the characteristics of life as a class.

11 Due Next Time Chapter 6 Engage

12 What is Life? Biology is the study of living things
Living things are divided into six kingdoms based on genetic and physical similarities: Plants, animals, fungi, protists, bacteria, archaebacteria Living things (organisms) are extremely diverse, but share eight characteristics in common

13 Archaebacteria Fungi Plants Bacteria Protists Animals

14 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic One: Organisms are made of units called cells Organisms can be unicellular (made of one cell) or multicellular (made of many cells)

15 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Two: Reproduction All living things reproduce themselves Reproduction is asexual (one parent) or sexual (two parents)

16 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Three: Based on genetic code Organisms have DNA or RNA that is a blueprint for creating them DNA or RNA is passed on to offspring

17 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Four: Growth and Development All organisms grow, either by enlarging their one cell or dividing their cells millions of times

18 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Five: Need for materials and energy Organisms create and break down molecules to fuel their chemical reactions The four molecules we use are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids This is called metabolism

19 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Six: Response to environment Organisms detect and react to stimuli in their environment Stimuli are internal (like your blood sugar) or external (like plants reacting to sunlight)

20 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Seven: Internal balance Organisms keep their internal environment stable through homeostasis Ex: Body temperature when you get too hot, you sweat to cool your skin when you get too cold, you shiver to warm your body

21 Characteristics of Life
Characteristic Eight: Evolution Populations of organisms change over time in response to their environment Changes are only significant over long periods of time

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