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1. Are you in a single parent family?

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1 1. Are you in a single parent family?
16 years old years old 16 years old years old Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-0 No No-8 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-0 No No-8 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-0 No No-8 Boys: Boys: No Yes-2 Yes No-6

2 2. What is the education level of your parents?
Boys: Father: High school-5 University-1 Post graduate-0 Primary-1 Gymnasium-1 Mother: High school-4 Post graduate-1 16 years old Girls: Father: Gymnasium-0 High school-5 University-2 Primary-0 Post graduate-0 Mother: University-1 Post graduate-1

3 2. What is the education level of your parents?
15 years old 14 years old Girls: Father: Mother: High school High school-1 University University-2 Post graduate-0 Post graduate-2 Primary Primary-2 Gymnasium Gymnasium-0 Boys: Father: Mother: Primary Primary-0 High school High school-4 University University-1 Post graduate-0 Post graduate-1 Gymnasium Gymnasium-1 Girls: Father: Mother: High school High school-6 University University-2 Post graduate Post graduate-0 Primary Primary-0 Boys: Father: Mother: Gymnasium Gymnasium-1 High school High school-6 University University-1 Post graduate-1 Post graduate-1 Primary Primary-3

4 2. What is the education level of your parents?
13 years old: Girls: Mother: Primary-4 High school-2 Gymnasium-2 University-3 Post graduate-0 Father: Primary-3 High school-3 Post graduate-2 Boys: Mother: Primary-0 High school-2 Gymnasium-1 University-5 Post graduate-0 Father: Primary-1 Gymasium-0 University-2 Post graduate-2

5 3.Are you familiar with the term “adiction”?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-6 No No-2 Boys: Boys: No Yes-3 Yes No-5 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-2 No No-6 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-5 No No- 3

6 4.Do you have a sport or other hobby where you spend most of your free time during the week?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-7 No No-1 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-8 No No-0 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-7 No No-1 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-7 No No-1

7 5.Does any member of your family smoke?
14 years old 16 years old years old Girls: Father-5 Mother-4 Siblings(brother/sister)-0 Boys: Father-1 Mother-2 Siblings(brother/sister)-1 13 years old Girls: Boys: Father Father-2 Mother Mother-4 Siblings(brother/sister) Siblings-0 Girls: Girls: Father Father-4 Mother Mother-5 Siblings Siblings-0 Boys: Boys: Father Father-4 Mother Mother-1 Siblings Siblings-0

8 6.Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-1 No No-7 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-0 No No-8 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-0 No No-8 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-0 No No-8

9 7.a Would you conside yourself a “smoker”?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls: Girls: No No-7 Yes Yes-1 Boys: Boys: No Yes-0 Yes No-8 Girls: Girls Yes Yes-0 No No-8 Boys: Boys: No Yes-0 Yes No-8

10 7b- If your answer in question 7a is “yes”, please state how many cigarettes per day you smoke 7c- Where do you get the cigaretes you smoke? 16 years old –Boys 7b-10,6/7,5/6 7c-Buy them myself from a local store:2 Steal them from my parents:3 Borrow from friends or older brothers /sisters:1 15 years old- Girls: 7b- 2/3cigarettes 7c-buy them myself from a local store.1 Steal them from my parents.1

11 8. Do you find it annoying if somebody from your friends smokes?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-2 No No-6 Boys: Boys: No Yes-1 Yes No-7 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-5 No No-3 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-3 No No-5

12 9. According to your opinion how much do the following factors influence a person to smoke? “a” being the least influence and “e” the most. 16 years old girls 16 years old boys To look cool: a-3, b-2, c-2, e-1 To be a rebel: a-2, b-3, c-2, e-1 To look mature(older): b-4, c-2, e-1 To copy other famous people: a-0, b-2, c-3, d-1, e-1 For fun: a-1, b-2, c-2, d-1, e-2 Out of curiosity: a-1,c-2, d-4, e- 1 Because his/her friends smokes: a-1, b-3, c-1, d-3 To look cool: a-3, b-1,d-2, e-2 To be a rebel: a-4, c-2, e-2 To look mature(older): a-3,c-3, e-2 To copy other famous people: a-3, b-3, d-2 For fun: a-1, b-1, c-2, d-3, e-1 Out of curiosity:c-1, d-6, e-1 Because his/her friends smokes:, b-3, c-3, d-2

13 9. According to your opinion how much do the following factors influence a person to smoke? “a” being the least influence and “e” the most. 15 years old girls 15 years old boys To look cool: a-2, b-1, d-2, e-2 To be a rebel: a-1, b-4, c-1, d-1 To look mature(older):a-1, b-3, c- 2, d-1, e-2 To copy other famous people: a- 1, b-2, c-2, e-2 For fun: a-3, b-1, c-1,d-1, e-2 Out of curiosity: a-2, c-2,d-3, e-1 Because his/her friends smokes: b-3, c-1, d-0, e-3 To look cool: a-1,b-3, c-1,e-3 To be a rebel: a-1, b-3, c-2,d-1 To look mature(older): a-2, b- 1,c-1,d-2,e-1 To copy other famous people: a-2, b4, d-2,e-1 For fun: a-1,b-1, c-1, d-2, e-4 Out of curiosity: a-2, b-2, c-1, e-2 Because his/her friends smokes: b-1,c-2, d-3,e-1

14 9. According to your opinion how much do the following factors influence a person to smoke? “a” being the least influence and “e” the most. 14 years old girls 14 years old boys To look cool: b-1, c-3, e-4 To be a rebel: b-3, c-2, d-1, e-2 To look mature(older): c-3, d- 3, e-2 To copy other famous people: a-2, b-4, c-1,d-1 For fun: b-3, c-2, d-1, e-2 Out of curiosity: b-2, c-1, e-6 Because his/her friends smokes: b-1, c-1, e-6 To look cool:a-2, c-5,d-1 To be a rebel:a-2,b-1 ,d-5 To look mature(older): a-1, b-1, c-2,d-4 To copy other famous people: a-2,b-3,c-2, e-1 For fun: a-1, b-1,c-3, d-3, Out of curiosity: a-1, b-2, c- 2, d-1, e-2 Because his/her friends smokes: a-1, c-1,d-2, e-4

15 9. According to your opinion how much do the following factors influence a person to smoke? “a” being the least influence and “e” the most. 13 years old boys: 13 years old girls: To look cool: a-1, b-1, c-1, d-1, e- 4 To be a rebel: a-1, b-1, c-4, d-2 To look mature(older): a-2, b-3, d-1, e-2 To copy other famous people: a- 5, c-1,d-2 For fun: a-2, b-0,c-1, d-2, e-3 Out of curiosity: a-1, b-1, c-5, e- 1 Because his/her friends smokes: a-2, b-1, d-2, e-3 To look cool: b-3, c-2, e-3 To be a rebel: b-1, c-5, d-1, e-1 To look mature(older): a-2, b c-5, d-1, e-1 To copy other famous people: a- 5, b-3, c-2,d-2 For fun: a-1, b-3, c-3, e-1 Out of curiosity: a-1, b-2, c-4, d- 1 Because his/her friends smokes: a-2, c-1, d-2, e-3

16 10.Do you believe you are wellinformed of the effects of smoking on people’s health?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-6 No No-2 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-6 No No-2 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-5 No No-3 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-7 No No-1

17 11.Do you believe that passive smoking is harmful to our health?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-6 No No-2 Boys: Boys: No Yes-7 Yes No-1 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-8 No-1 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-6 No No-2

18 12. Do you believe thet electronic cigarettes are less harmful to our health?
16 years old years old 14 years old years old Girls : Girls: Yes Yes-8 No-1 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-4 No No-4 Girls: Girls: Yes Yes-5 No No-3 Boys: Boys: Yes Yes-5 No No-3

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