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Welcome to Churchville Elementary’s Band Program!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Churchville Elementary’s Band Program!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Churchville Elementary’s Band Program!
Stephanie Newman – Band Director Image Provided by Classroom Clipart

2 Program Information Instrumental Lessons Band Rehearsals
Practice Requirements Concert Attendance Assessment District Band and District Orchestra Parent/Student Contract

3 Instrumental Lessons Students are grouped by class and instrument
Lessons are held once per week for thirty minutes Lessons are on a rotating schedule so that students do not miss the same academic class each week If students have a conflict with a lesson time, they may reschedule by speaking to the band director BEFORE the scheduled lesson Lesson schedules are given to both students and classroom teachers and are also found on the band website under “Lesson Schedules” Students are required to bring their instruments, books, and music to all lessons, band rehearsals, and concerts!

4 Band Rehearsals Advanced Band
Winter Session – begins in Oct. and ends after the Winter Concert Spring Session – begins in Feb. and ends after the Spring Concert Rehearsals are held on Fridays on stage and begin at 1:15 and end between 1:45 and 2:00 Beginner Band Spring Session – begins in March and ends after the Spring Concert Rehearsals are held on Thursdays on stage and are from 12:45-1:15 It is important that students attend all rehearsals to be successful in our concerts!

5 Practice Requirements
Students are required to practice minutes for 5 days per week Both beginner and advanced students are given practice journals to record practice times and what they practice per week - Copies are found on the band website under “Practice Journals” Beginner students are required to have these practice journals signed by a parent or guardian

6 Concert Attendance All students are required to attend both the morning and evening concerts that they are involved in for the year!

7 Assessment Students are given performance rubrics twice per year – Jan./Feb. and May/June Rubrics need to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the band director Blank rubrics are found on the band website under “Assessment”

8 District Band and District Orchestra
District Band and Orchestra are honor groups consisting of mostly 6th graders that rehearse before school Information on these programs are found on the band website under “District Band” and “District Orchestra”

9 Contract We have read this document and understand the requirements of the band program. Student Signature:___________________ Parent Guardian Signature:__________________________

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