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Presentation on theme: "TASHKENT INSTITUTE OF TEXTILE AND LIGHT INDUSTRY"— Presentation transcript:

 5 Shohjahon street, Tashkent,100100, Uzbekistan tel: fax: web:

2 Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry has educated leaders and shaped the future for nearly 85 years. It has nurtured many scientific personals, leaders, scholars and teachers in nearly every field of textile and light industry. This institution leaves an indelible mark on the lives of its students, connecting them to an extraordinary history and challenging them again and again to discover and define their purpose. We want to ensure we are providing students a deeply life- changing experience-intellectually, socially, and personally—that will prepare them for a life of self- determination and leadership. This is who we are. Rector Salokhiddin Yunusov

3 Uzbekistan textile industry
Production capacity of textile enterprises Cotton yarn – 300 thousand tons; Weaved fabric – 111,7 mln. sq.m; Knitted fabric - 59,0 thousand tons; Hosiery – 14,0 mln. pare; Knitted products – 197,2 mln. pieces. Row silk – 1,4 thousand tons;

4 Advantages of Uzbekistan:
 Qualified labor resources, traditions in textile productions; Government support, incentives and Anti crisis Program, favorable investment climate Availability of vast stocks of raw materials (cotton, yarn);Low-cost energy resources (gas, electricity), infrastructure; Access to big international (CIS, EU) and local markets. UZBEKISTAN - world recognized Center of textile production

5 Titli is performing his activity in three following directions.
Tashkent institute of textile and light industry has been founded in 1932. Titli is performing his activity in three following directions. First, Higher Education Second direction is Research activity Third - Industrial service TITLI provide higher education program -Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral’s (PhD, PS) programs as well as Academic staff training programs for cotton ginning, textile, Leather footwear , paper and printed industry. Technology of cotton industry Technology of textile industry Technology of light industry and design Automation, management and printing

6 LOCATION TITLI – is only one university in the Central Asia
In TITLI, you can find an environment that combines historical and modern charm with all the energy of a modern urban setting. In addition to exploring TITLI, home to popular theaters, cafes, restaurants and, of course, bookstores you will find nearby university. A twenty minute walk from TITLI you will be in the heart of the city Tashkent, from which you can visit one of the great museums (Amir Timur, Library named after Alisher Navoi, the Museum of Fine Arts the Museum of Young, and many others). Also, within easy reach are Art Bazars and ancient seaside villages, and historic sites.

7 3. RESIDENTIAL SYSTEM Our students represent all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan and over neighbor countries. You and your classmates will embody a panorama of interests and aspirations. You’ll have goals and you’ll work hard, but you’ll also have time to relax and enjoy the company of friends. We designed residential life with those purposes in mind.

8 4. Incredible range, depth, and variety will characterize your TITLI academic experience. Well-renowned for the quality of our teaching and research, the University will supply you with the tools to build a highly individualized and rewarding undergraduate course of study. You can choose from over 28 departments within the 4 faculties to create a highly individualized plan of study. Every semester, you will spend the first week sitting in on classes and determining how well a class fits with your goals and needs. This week gives you the flexibility to make important academic decisions with confidence, genuine interest, and direction. After declaring a concentration, you can pursue various tracks within the field to customize your experience. You may also register at our academic talent use in TITLI graduate departments. Every year academia selected talented students and awarded with state grants.

Technology of cotton industry Faculty «Technology of Cotton Industry» was found on September 1, At present time there are more than  1090  students in the faculty. They are being taught by more than 100 professors and teachers, 12 of them are doctors of science, 29 candidates of science. FIELDS OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY BACHELOR DEGREE   • technology of primary precluding of natural fibers  • Technologic machines and equipment (cotton industry) • Technologic machines and equipment (textile industry) • Technologic machines and equipment (light industry) • technique of service and technology (cotton industry) • technique of service and technology (textile industry) • technique of service and technology (light industry) • Professional education (technology of primary precluding of natural fibers) MASTER COURSE •5A Technology of primary cotton proceeding and preparation  •5A Machines and apparatus of textile and light industry •5A Machines and equipments of cotton industry  •5A studing of machines 1. Primary processing technology of natural fibres 2.Technological machines and equipments  3.Theoretical and applied mechanics  4.Protection of labour and ecology 5.Drawing geometry and computer grapics 6.English language 7.The department of “Technicians and technologies of rendering of services in manufacture”

10 Technology of light industry
The faculty was founded in 1966. At present time there are about 900 undergraduate and 60 post-graduate students are studying in the faculty. DIRECTIONS  DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY: DIRECTIONS OF BACHELOR COURSE: Pedogogigal technology (due to speciality) Technology and construction of light industry good (light industry) Design (design of clothes) SPECIALTIES AT MASTER COURSE: 5A Technology and construction of sewing goods 5A Design (design of clothes) 5A Technology and construction of leather and fur goods 5A Pedogogical education (due to specialities) Design and construction of sewing products Design and construction of leather goods Fashion Design Physical Culture and Pedagogy Physics and electrical engineering

Technology of textile industry The faculty of textile industry and technology was founded in 1932. Nowadays there are  1343  students study in it. They are taught by 99 professors- teachers as well as 1 academician, 9 Professors FIELDS OF EDUCATION  THE DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY  BACHELOR DEGREE DIRECTION Metrology, standartization and  quality the products of management (cotton, weaving and light industry) Technology and construction of light industry goods  MASTER DEGREE DIRECTION 5A Technology reworking raw materials of textile industry (according to raw material type) 5A Technology of producing textile industry (goods types of the goods) 5A Creative constructing of textile industry goods (dissinators) 5A320905 –Quality control and expertise of textile and light industry goods (textile, light and cotton industry) 1.Department of "Technology of textile fabrics“ 2.Science 3.Social disciplines 4.High mathematics 5.The department of technology of chemistry 6.Textile materiology 7. Technologies of silk and spinning department

Automation, management and printing The faculty was founded in 1954  with name “The engineer-economist”. In the beginning the faculty has prepared staffs by specialty  of  “Managing the production and planning wide consuming goods”. DIRECTION FOR EDUCATION  THE DEPARTMENTS OF THE FACULTY BACHELOR COURSE Management (textile, light and cotton industry) Bookkeeping and audit (textile, light and cotton industry) Technology of printing and process of pachaging Autimation and management of technological process an production (textile, light and cotton industry) Corporate governance MASTER COURSE 5A Automation and production of technological processes (textile, light and cotton industry) 5А  The technology polygraph end design  Department of "languages" Technology of printing and packaging process Corporate governance Automation and management of technological processes and manufactures Information technology

Scientists of the institute do researches and surveys in subjects regarding to development of technique and technology of cotton, textile, light, printing, cellulose industries; creation of non-waste technology; creation and implementation of assortment of competitive product from natural and other fibers. Annually the state announces grants for researcher in different directions across the country. This year TITLI has 56 local and 5 international projects and this number is increasing based on international long- term cooperation between such countries like UK, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Italy, France, South Korea, Japan and etc.

14 Laboratories Centex-UZ (testing laboratory)

15 Weaving laboratory Spinning laboratory

Spinning laboratory

17 Foreign partners of TITLI:
UCLAN UK University of Lancashire (England) University of Dortmund (Germany) PUAS (Piraeus University of Applied Sciences) JOONGBU University (Korea) The UNIVERSITE de HAUTE-ALSACE (France) KITECH (Korea) Milan Polytechnic University (Italy) The University of Porto (Portugal) STUTTGART Media University (Germany) GHENT University (Belgium) JICA (Japan) MARZOLI Company (Italy) HANBAT National University (Korea) BREMEN University (Germany) Moscow State University of Design and Technology (Russia) St-Petersburg State University of Technology and Design(Russia) RIETER Company (Switzerland) TRÜTZSCHLER Company (Germany)

Construction works of teaching and research of textile Technology Park began in Tashkent. The project is being implemented by JSC "O'zbekyengilsanoat" together with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy of the Republic of Korea. The main purpose of its creation is the development and implementation of international educational and research programs for their implementation at the Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, the organization of training of Uzbek specialists using advanced ICT, in particular in the production of products with high added value. In addition, the industrial park will serve as conducting research in the field of materials, dyeing and finishing industries, the development of new designs of fabrics and clothing. The Korean side has prepared a preliminary plan for the high-tech 3-and 5-storey office buildings and a separate 2-storey building for the experimental production of energy-saving technologies with application, equipped with solar panels. The buildings will house classrooms, meeting rooms, exhibition halls, laboratories, offices, a greenhouse and other facilities. In experimental science lab will be set weaving, knitting, dyeing and finishing, sewing equipment.

19 Erasmus and TITLI Being a part of the Erasmus will give a big and incredible opportunity for TITLI to be involved in the EU educational Net. Hence, it will open in front of TITLI many chance to update and develop its potential.



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