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Children First: Promoting Ecological Health for the Whole Child

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Presentation on theme: "Children First: Promoting Ecological Health for the Whole Child"— Presentation transcript:

1 Children First: Promoting Ecological Health for the Whole Child
Symposium University of California, San Francisco Mission Bay Conference Center October 1, 2010 Hosted by: Collaborative on Health and the Environment Learning and Developmntal Disabilities Initiative

2 Children First: Promoting Ecological Health for the Whole Child
Many thanks to our co-sponsors… Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments

3 Children First: Promoting Ecological Health for the Whole Child
…and with deep gratitude to our funders: ______ Integrative Medicine Institute Louisa Kreisberg Family Foundation Teleosis Institute (anonymous donor contributed to Teleosis for this event) Whole Child Center other private philanthropic support

4 Interacting factors that influence health and development
Heredity Gene-environment interactions Toxic chemical exposures Socioeconomic status Nutrition Access to the natural world Pharmaceuticals Infectious disease Stress Primary health care access Electromagnetic radiation Climate change Collaborative on Health and the Environment Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative

5 Precautionary Principle
1998 Wingspread Statement Exploring alternatives to possibly harmful actions, especially “clean” technologies that eliminate waste and reduce toxic substances Placing the burden of proof on proponents of an activity rather than on victims or potential victims of the activity Setting and working toward goals that protect health and the environment Bringing democracy and transparency to decisions affecting health and the environment 1998 Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principle summarizes the principle this way: “When an activity raises threats of harm to the environment or human health, precautionary measures should be taken even if some cause and effect relationships are not fully established scientifically.” And this is the cornerstone for founding the Collaborative on Health and the Environment. Collaborative on Health and the Environment Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative

6 Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE)
Disease and toxicant database Consensus statements, white papers and fact sheets Portal to Science 10 Working groups National calls with experts on specific topics Conferences and workshops Collaborative on Health and the Environment Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative

7 How You Can Get Involved
Join CHE - (for free!) Contact me: Elise Miller, MEd, Director Collaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE) Ph: Collaborative on Health and the Environment Learning and Developmental Disabilities Initiative

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