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1University of Pavia, Dipartimento di Ricerche Aziendali, Pavia, Italy

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1 1University of Pavia, Dipartimento di Ricerche Aziendali, Pavia, Italy
AGRICULTURAL AND ECONOMIC CONVERGENCE IN THE EU INTEGRATION PROCESS: DO GEOGRAPHICAL RELATIONSHIPS MATTER? Sassi M.1 - Pecci F.2 1University of Pavia, Dipartimento di Ricerche Aziendali, Pavia, Italy 2University of Verona, Dipartimento di Economie, società ed Istituzioni, Verona Italy

2 Agricultural real convergence process Enlargement form EU-15 to UE-27
OBJECTIVE 1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic Agricultural real convergence process Enlargement form EU-15 to UE-27 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set 5. Results Economic real convergence process 6. Conclusions GWR approach

3 Political and financial importance
RELEVANCE OF THE TOPIC 1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic Political and financial importance 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set Integration and income gap reduction Convergence process Territorial dimension 5. Results 6. Conclusions Rural development and cohesion

4 Standard OLS growth regression GWR approach
METHODOLOGY (1/2) 1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic VS. Standard OLS growth regression GWR approach 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set Bias regression coefficient 5. Results Locally different parameters 6. Conclusions Invalid significant tests Spatial spillovers

5 METHODOLOGY (2/2) OLS GWR Global parameter of convergence
1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic Global parameter of convergence Unknown parameters more than degrees of freedom OLS 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set Weighted regression Local parameters of convergence 5. Results GWR Weight values inverse function of the distance 6. Conclusions Adaptive bandwidth bi-square function

1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic 3. Methodology Agricultural gross value added N. of agricultural workers 4. Time period and data set 5. Results Total gross value added N. of total workers 6. Conclusions Cambridge Econometrics’ annual time series

1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic EU-15 EU-27 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set 5. Results 6. Conclusions Global coefficient of convergence –0.034 Global coefficient of convergence –0.016

1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic EU-27: AGRICULTURE EU-27: ECONOMY 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set 5. Results 6. Conclusions Global coefficient of convergence –0.016 Global coefficient of convergence –0.015 Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient =

9 No unique convergence rate
CONCLUSIONS (1/3) 1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic Agricultural sector 3. Methodology No correlation between the speed of convergence at the regional level 4. Time period and data set No unique convergence rate Factors at the basis of the asymmetric nature of the regionl problems of the EU 5. Results 6. Conclusions Economy

10 Intensity of convergence process
CONCLUSIONS (2/3) 1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic Intensity of convergence process 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set Policy options at the territorial level: Rural development, Structural and Regional policy Geographical proximity 5. Results 6. Conclusions Direction of convergence process

11 Integration has not supported convergence
CONCLUSIONS (3/3) 1. Objective 2. Relevance of the topic Neoclassical theory? 3. Methodology 4. Time period and data set Integration has not supported convergence 5. Results A better understanding of the factors of growth 6. Conclusions

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